Mother Earth Farm - For Individuals & Families - For Individuals and Families

What is Mother Earth Farm?

EFN’s Mother Earth Farm is an 8-acre organic farm located in the beautiful Puyallup Valley. Food from the farm is typically available to our neighbors in need within 24-hours of harvest.

It would not be possible to provide this fresh food option to our neighbors in need without the help of volunteers. In the spring, volunteers at the farm assist with seeding, weeding, composting, and irrigation. In the summer and fall, the focus is on weeding and harvesting. Volunteers are welcome to bring a lunch and enjoy the picnic area before or after their volunteer session.

Want to learn more about what to expect at Mother Earth Farm? Check out this video!

What are the volunteer qualifications?

  • Experience: No farming or gardening experience is necessary! EFN staff will provide you with orientation, training, and supervision. 
  • Physical Requirements: Volunteers need to feel comfortable performing basic gardening tasks, this includes kneeling or sitting in the soil to plant seedlings or pull weeds, bending over or standing while using a weeding tool and lifting baskets or bins of harvested produce.
  • Minimum Age: There is not a minimum age so youth groups and families of all ages are welcome! Youth ages 15 and under need to volunteer with a parent or guardian. All youth under the age of 17 will need to bring a signed Parental Consent Form.

Please note - signing up for this volunteer event does not confirm your volunteer registration, you will receive an email within 24-48 hours after signing up, confirming your volunteer role and giving you some additional details!

Additional questions?

Please contact Emergency Food Network's Volunteer Team at or call (253)584-1040.