Welcome, to the Bristol Parks Volunteer Database.
Time in parks and green spaces is crucial to our health and wellbeing - and our Parks benefit hugely from our dedicated volunteers.
Green Social Prescribing - using your local green spaces to improve health and wellbeing. Check out what Joe from our ParkWork project has been involved in this year: Healthier With Nature Green Social Prescribing - YouTube
We are continuing to work with YourPark and ParkWork to deliver Green Social Prescribing in Eastville Park and Hartcliffe Millennium Green. If you'd like to get involved or know someone who would benefit, email Sara@yourpark.org.uk
If you're already thinking about GSP in your park, check out SPEAR Bristol and the National Lottery Community Fund.
Toolbox Talks and demos on Youtube: Videos from Joe McKenna (ParkWork) and myself to help keep your Health and Safety Training fresh!
Our staff (Rangers, Gardeners and Charge Hands) are developing their roles to begin working more and more with volunteers. As we are able to get more sessions up and running they will be added here.
Activity | Shifts | Start | End | |
Ashton Court Gardening Group | 143 | 1/28/2025 | 6/9/2026 | |
Ashton Court Ranger Conservation Group | 51 | 1/30/2025 | 1/15/2026 | |
Stoke Park Ranger Volunteers | 51 | 1/30/2025 | 12/6/2025 | |
Our mission is to make volunteering in Bristol's Parks easy, enjoyable and worthwhile.
We can support you in setting up a volunteer group for your local park and are happy to answer any questions you might have along the way.
The Bristol Parks Forum web page lists all the current volunteer groups in Parks. It's a helpful website to go to to find out what's happening in Bristol Parks and which green spaces have regular work sessions and / or meetings.