Citizen Advisory Committees - Youth Citizen Advisory Committees: Extension Committee

Do you enjoy working with other people to give back to your community? Do you want to learn more about your community and build your leadership skills? Are you interested in education, youth enrichment, agriculture, gardening, the environment, or financial empowerment? 


We are seeking nominations for the Dakota County Extension Committee.  In partnership with the University of Minnesota, the Extension Committee assists in formulating programs, establishing budgets, and selecting and evaluating professional staff to improve the quality of life and enhance the economy and the environment through education, applied research, and the resources of the University of Minnesota. The Dean of Extension talks about the importance of County Extension Committees in this video


Potential candidates should have:

  • an interest in the future of Extension education and research
  • availability to attend four annual meetings


You can apply at  If there are any questions, please contact Extension Regional Director, Tammy McCulloch at 612.735.6161 or


What is Extension?


Creating a Stronger Minnesota through Education and Research

University of Minnesota Extension discovers science-based solutions, delivers practical education and engages Minnesotans to build a better future.


Solving complex problems, creating a better future

Today's most pressing issues cross state and world boundaries, requiring strong partnerships, focused investments and diverse perspectives from multiple disciplines.


Extension researchers and educators engage individuals and organizations in asking the challenging questions to discover science-based answers that make a difference.


Together, we create a better world for today and tomorrow by:

  • Keeping our food safe and affordable
  • Preparing today's youth to thrive in a complex world
  • Ensuring Minnesota communities are strong
  • Improving our environment
  • Helping families make better decisions



Tammy McCulloch

Regional Director, Central
(651) 480-7745

Qualifications Required

  • Accepted Data Privacy Notice - Tennessen Notice Must be Yes
  • Signed Volunteer Waiver Must be at least Yes