Become an SNA Site Steward
Find out which sites are available on this map. If you are interested in becoming the steward for this site, please fill out this general interest form! SNA staff will be in touch to discuss the opportunity. If you have questions email us or call 651-259-5070.
Assist in the goals of land protection, management, and education and research on a site you choose to monitor.
General Site Priorities:
- Observations on the condition of the SNA, its parking area, and signage
- Rare and invasive species monitoring/searches
- Monitoring management projects
- Monitoring visitation or illegal use of the SNA
Site Steward's Duties:
- Regular visits to the site.
- Reporting observations from site visits (minimum of four times a year).
- Participate or lead volunteer projects and events for the site.
- Optional: participate in citizen science projects such as eBird and iNaturalist, and report observations to SNA staff.
Stewards are asked to report problems, but are not responsible for enforcing rules and regulations.
If you come across something that exceeds your physical abilities or seems strange to you, leave the area and seek assistance.
No use of power tools unless you have completed proper safety training.
Qualifications needed:
- An interest in native plant communities, natural features, and wildlife.
- Willingness to work independently and an ability to navigate throughout the site (including off trail).
- Write descriptions from site monitoring and mark topics of interest on a site map.
- Birders, botanists, naturalists, and outdoor enthusiasts of all types are encouraged to apply.
- Helpful to have experience cutting, sawing, and pruning.
- Ability to walk over uneven ground
- Ability to stand, bend, stoop and carry objects
Required Safety Training Topics:
- Hazards and Unsafe Conditions
- Heat and Cold Related Illness
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Poisonous and Hazardous Plants
- Tickborne Illness
- UV Radiation (Sun Protection)
Minimum Time Commitment:
Ideally, a steward should visit the site once a month. This can be flexible. At a minimum stewards are asked to submit observations four times a year.