Community Cares Ministries - Work Experience/Student Intership

This position allows those needing work experience placement through programs like Goodwill or National Able to be placed at The Salvation Army.  Those eligible must apply through and be approved by the work experience program before being placed at The Salvation Army.  Work experience positions include receptionist, clerical and janitorial.

Students who are needing work experience in the area of social services or human services are able to work within the social services program that The Salvation Army provides.  This includes, but is not limited to, food pantry and Pathway of Hope.  Students must be approved by their educational institution first and interviewed by staff before seeking this opportunity.

Qualifications Required

  • Background Check
  • Motor Vehicle Registry Approval Must be at least Cleared
  • Safe From Harm Training Completed Must be at least Basic
  • What age category do you belong? Must be at least 18 years old or older