Hospice Volunteer Opportunities in Mount Ayr

Welcome to our Volunteer Opportunities page!

Here you will find information about a wide variety of volunteering opportunities available to support the important work of EveryStep Hospice. 

Take a look around and if you see something that interests you, please fill in our online application form.

If you have any questions, please contact the Mount Ayr Volunteer Coordinator at 641-464-2088. For more information about EveryStep, visit everystep.org.

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Types of Volunteer Opportunities

Patient Visits

Patient Companionship/Support: Become part of the hospice care team! All volunteers who visit our patients receive core training to prepare them to visit hospice patients. You'll learn about hospice care, what to expect, and how to provide support to patients and families on the end-of-life journey. 

Homemaking or Outdoor Work: Hospice care helps patients continue to live in the place they call home. You can help by assisting the patient and family with homemaking duties, meal preparation, pet assistance, yard clean-up or gardening. 

11th Hour: During the final hours of a patient's life, 11th Hour volunteers are on hand to provide a quiet presence, companionship and support for family members. Special training is provided.

Story Book: Receive special training to record hospice patients as they read stories that can be shared for generations to come. The patient and family are given the book and recording as a memento.

Life Review: Learn how to interview patients about their lives, record those conversations and give the recordings to patients and their families for a long-lasting memories.

Music at Bedside: Many of our patients enjoy visits from volunteers who sing to them, play musical instruments, or play recorded music. 

Errands & Deliveries: When patients are unable to drive themselves or family members don't live nearby, volunteers can run errands or deliver essential items to the patient’s doorstep.

Patient Visits - Licensed/Certified

Pet Therapy: You can provide comfort and support through dog visits in patient’s homes or facilities that are served by EveryStep Hospice with a Certified Therapy dog.

Barber/Cosmetology: You can offer our patients comfort, beauty and dignity while sharing your special talents and expertise. 

Veteran-to-Veteran Program

When it comes to caring for Veterans, EveryStep understands the importance of acknowledging and remembering our patients' service to our country. 

Through our Veteran-to-Veteran Program, we pair Veterans who are volunteers with patients who have been identified as Veterans. Veteran partners provide companionship while talking, reading, and sitting with patients. There are some issues Veterans only feel comfortable sharing with other Veterans. Veterans bring a unique skill set to help patients come to terms with past events, finding peace at end of life. 

The Veteran-to-Veteran Program also includes Veteran Pinning ceremonies to provide honor and dignity to Veterans at the end of our patients' lives. The ceremonies include the Pledge of Allegiance, a prayer of thanks, the awarding of a Veteran service flag pin, the singing of “God Bless America,” a reading of What is a Veteran, and the presentation of a certificate of recognition.

EveryStep is recognized as a Level Four Partner through We Honor Veterans.

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Other Volunteer Opportunities

There are many other ways you can support our hospice team and share your talents!

Office/Administrative Support: Assist with filing, data entry, stuffing envelopes, or answering phones.

Community Outreach: Help spread the word about EveryStep’s mission at community events and speaking engagements.

Baking: Provide comfort to patients, families and bereavement groups through the donation of home-made cookies, bread and other treats.

Crafting/Quilting/Sewing: Volunteer your time and talents through the creation of beautiful and functional art like handmade blankets, lap quilts and other keepsakes.

Mission Statement

Our Mission

We empower individuals, support families and strengthen communities.

Our Values

We act with INTEGRITY and RESPECT.
We serve with COMPASSION.
We lead through EXCELLENCE.
We unite through TEAMWORK.

Our Vision

All individuals have access to health care and support services to live their best lives.