Bottle Baby Kitten Foster

During kitten season, roughly March-December, we become overrun with orphaned kittens in need of foster care. The most vulnerable of these kittens, are neonatal kittens ages 4 weeks and under. Bottle babies require special care and attention and are a longer time commitment, usually 8 weeks. Kittens this young need to be fed every 2-4 hours, stimulated to urinate/defecate, and need to be kept warm, all the things momma cats usually do.

Kittens return to the shelter for weight checks and booster vaccines every 2 weeks until they reach 1.5-2 pounds and are then able to be scheduled for their spay/neuter surgeries and put up for adoption.

Bottle Baby fosters require training with the foster team prior to taking home their kittens to ensure they are set up for success.

Bottle Baby Kitten Foster Position Description