SKT Welfare


At heart, SKT Welfare are a group of compassionate, honest and hard-working humanitarians. We believe that everyone - no matter their race, religion or gender - deserves a chance at a happy, fulfilling life.

Over the past decade, we have provided urgent aid and sustainable relief to millions of disadvantaged people across the globe. Our projects focus on emergency relief, food, water, healthcare, education, orphan care and seasonal aid, such as winter emergency response and Qurbani donations. We serve some of the most vulnerable people in the world; those affected - through no fault of their own - by conflict, poverty and natural disasters.

Our guiding vision is of a world where everyone is cared for, and able to live a sustainable life, free from extreme poverty. As an Islamic charity, we are led by an unshakeable faith and a strong desire to help the most vulnerable, following in the footsteps of the Prophet (saw).

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Charity Challenges


Several times a year, we take groups of aspiring change makers out to Turkey, Pakistan, and Bangladesh for a one-week deployment to deliver essential aid to those in need.

During the course of the week, volunteers identify families in remote areas for door-to-door deliveries, distribute food parcels, visit the school, orphan care facilities, eye camps, as well as spend time with locals. It really is a once in a lifetime opportunity with many volunteers signing up for another deployment as soon as they return!

Keep your eye out for our deployment dates for when it is safe enough to travel again!

Fundraising Activities

Fundraising activities could range from anything from bake sales to sporting events.

There's always something to suit everyone. Have a look at our challenges section and see what you fancy!

Virtual Fundraising


The coronavirus pandemic has changed the course of our future fundraising with people being creative and setting themselves personalised targets to raise money for the causes they feel strongly about.

This could be a step challenge, bike ride, squat challenge, solo marathons, quitting smoking and even memorising the Qur'an. The options are endless. How creative can you be?


Charity events are a great way to raise awareness and much needed funds, but they can also be a lot of fun! We usually need volunteers for events such a family fun days or artist led events or you can organise your own and ask fellow volunteers for support. 

Call Centre Staff

At SKT Welfare our call centre staff take calls from our donors as well as contacting them to make them aware of our campaigns.

Appeal nights are always full of excitement and volunteers are required to take donations from people watching live on TV!

So, if you are local to the head office in Dewsbury and have some call centre experience, then sign up!

Hikes & Treks

Whether you're a beginner or hiking enthusiast, there's a trek to suit all levels. You can either set yourself a challenge or join one of our group treks to really push your limits. 


Activity Shifts Start End
A gift for Their Akhirah 1
Big Bake Sale 1
Couch to 5k 1
Live Off a Food Parcel 1
Spreading Smiles Through Miles 1

Volunteering with SKT Welfare


Volunteers have been at the heart of our work since the inception of SKT Welfare 10 years ago.

Their unrelenting enthusiasm and hard work arising from their compassion towards humanity is what has propelled the charity’s fundraising efforts to such success, and allowed us to make a lasting impact on the many lives that their efforts touch.

Volunteerism is the glue that binds people with their surroundings and the global community, through which SKT Welfare is breaking down barriers between individuals living in the UK, Europe, US and those in need around the world. Connected by their humanity and a deep desire to serve, volunteers are gifted with a perspective and an empathy that can be attained in few other ways.

Our volunteers are at the forefront when it comes to organising innovative fundraising challenges, marathons, dinners, tea parties, skydiving, zipline; as well as setting up their own initiatives to raise funds for their chosen projects.