Musicians and Vocalists

Can you sing? We have lots of songs and songbooks or could work with you to make a new one.

  • We are seeking 1-2 volunteers to start a monthly (or weekly) sing-along for our independent and assisted living residents.

We are also seeking 1-2 volunteers to help us carry the tune at our weekly (and informal) memory care sing-a-longs. We just need someone who likes to sing with us regularly and help fill in as a leader on the rare occasions that staff cannot lead. We are a fun group of singers and have named ourselves "The Main Ingredients".  We meet every Tuesday at 1:05 PM except for the 3rd Tuesday of each month.

Accompanists are needed on Sundays. Options include:
•    Catholic Mass at 10:00am and 
•    Worship Service at 1:45 pm