Lunches for Bunches

Lunches for Bunches

Goal: Help provide LUNCHES for the BUNCHES! PATH strives to provide PATH clients with sack lunches every day. We’re looking for community partners to prepare 25 - 50 lunches for our homeless clients so they can stay well nourished while they work to get back into a permanent home.

Group Size:  4 -15 volunteers.

Location: Lunches can be assembled on-site or off site at a location of your choice.

Drop-off Location: Lunches are accepted at 1250 6th Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101. Please note: Drop offs must be scheduled in advance.

Clients: PATH San Diego, along with several partners, opened Connections Housing in 2013. Connections Housing is an integrated service and residential community in Downtown San Diego, designed to help local homeless individuals rebuild their lives and move into permanent housing.


Budget: Costs vary depending on a volunteer’s capacity. We recommend either (1) assembling between 20 - 50 lunches using the sample lunch menus below or (2) donating bulk snack items (ex: Boxes or bags of fruit, Bottles of water, Individual-sized containers of chips, cookies, or crackers)


Sample Menus

  1. Peanut butter and jelly
    sandwich +


  • Vegetable/ fruit option
  • Chips/ pretzels or cookies
  • String cheese
  1. Deli meat & veggie sandwich +


  • Fruit option
  • Chips/ pretzels or cookies
  • String cheese
  1. Tuna or chicken salad sandwich +


  • Fruit option
  • Chips/ pretzels or cookies
  • String cheese


Additional Info: For Option 1 – Sack Lunches, please deliver lunches by 11:00AM.
Additionally, contact us at least 48 hours in advance so that we will be prepared to accept your generous donation.

For Option 2 – Bulk snack items, please contact us 48 hours in advance so we will be prepared and be able to alert staff of your arrival. We accept bulk items on Monday to Friday from 8:30AM to 4:30 PM.