Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the Arena Services team!
Volunteer opportunities include working with the following programs and services: skate lessons, inline skate lessons, drop-in dry floor sports, drop-in ice sports, special events and registered sport programs.
Services are offered at Bill Copeland Sports Centre, Kensington Park Arena and Rosemary Brown Recreation Centre.
We look forward to working with you!
When the ice is out in the arenas we run sport programs and drop-in sport activities such as inline skating, soccer, ball hockey, lacrosse and pickleball. Volunteers are welcome to at our instructional programs and our drop-in services.
Assist with skating lessons for Preschool age 3 -5 years and Children 6 - 12 years.
The Parks, Recreation and Culture Department is dedicated to offering the very best in programs, activities and events – all in a welcoming setting for residents and visitors of all ages, skill levels and interests. Together, our goal is to create a community that provides citizens with opportunities for an active and healthy lifestyle.