(SE3) Canora, Kamsack, Preecevile, Invermay, Norquay & Area

Welcome to Volunteer Services for the Kamsack, Canora, Preeceville, Norquay and areas!


We are thrilled that volunteers can now return to provide service within our long term care homes.

Our focus is on providing volunteer opportunities that support the health of the communities that we serve.


Are you interested in meeting new people? Willing to share your time and skills? Able to deliver meals within the community?

Please take a look at the volunteer opportunities that we are currently recruiting for as we would love for you to join our team of registered volunteers!


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Volunteer Opportunities

Canora Gateway Lodge - Spiritual Care Provider

The Spiritual Care Associate assists with various activities at the site. They encourage client's participation in activities. 

Associates are the extra pair of "helping hands" that add to the trained services of the Long-term care facility staff, working together to enhance the lives of residents

Tasks involved:  Facilitate and carry out a spiritual service for clients (interdenominational) musical accompaniment optional, majority is a group activity with possible transporting of clients to chapel area.  

Shifts are Monday to Friday, mornings and afternoons monthly and Bi Monthly 


Canora Gateway Lodge -Recreation Program Associate

The Recreation Associate assists with various activities at the site. They encourage client's participation in activities. 

Recreation Associate are the extra pair of "helping hands" that add to the trained services of the Long-term care facility staff, working together to enhance the lives of residents

Summer Walking Program 1:1

Will be scheduled 2 times weekly, weather permitting mornings and afternoons. 

Kamsack Hospital and Nursing Home - Activities Associate

The Recreation Associate assists with various activities at the site. They encourage client's participation in activities. 

Recreation Associate are the extra pair of "helping hands" that add to the trained services of the Long-term care facility staff, working together to enhance the lives of residents

Activities include, but are not limited to:  Reading groups, puzzles, games, bingo, nail painting, going for walks, group painting, crafts, exercise programs, and special events like Christmas parties and teas. Birthday parties, volunteer group outings.

Kamsack Hospital and Nursing Home - Ladies Auxiliary Associate

Volunteers share their time & efforts to support staff with their daily and monthly activity programs. The volunteer supplies that extra pair of “helping hands” that add to the trained services of the long-term care facility staff working together to enhance the lives of residents

Volunteers participate in non-profit, fundraising activities to provide monetary support and comforts for Nursing Home Residents.  


Shifts available: Afternoons, Monday to Sunday. 



Kamsack Hospital and Nursing Home - Entertainment Provider

Provider volunteers provide mental, social, emotional, and physical stimulation to residents
Group choirs, bands, individual piano players, piano/guitar recitals, performances, dance groups, school entertainment, old time dancing groups, hymn sing, story tellers.
Shifts vary dependent upon group availability:   available Monday to Sunday 0:30 - 2:30 pm 

Norquay Health Centre -Entertainment Provider

Provider volunteers provide mental, social, emotional, and physical stimulation to residents
Group choirs, bands, individual piano players, piano/guitar recitals, performances, dance groups, school entertainment, old time dancing groups, hymn sing, story tellers.
Shifts vary dependent upon group availability:  

Invermay Health Centre -Entertainment Provider

Provider volunteers provide mental, social, emotional, and physical stimulation to residents
Group choirs, bands, individual piano players, piano/guitar recitals, performances, dance groups, school entertainment, old time dancing groups, hymn sing, story tellers.
Shifts vary dependent upon group availability:  

Preeceville & District Health Centre - Bingo caller Provider

Shifts available Monday 2:30 pm. Caller should have clear speech and knowledge of Bingo game  

Preeceville & District Health Centre - Horticulture Associate

The Horticulture Associate will be able to bring joy to residents. They will share talents in garden, visit with elders of the community and improve the resident's outdoor experience

They assist residents in caring for the outdoor space we have during our Spring/summer/ fall season.

Duties may include:  Watering, feed, transplant plants, weed plant beds, trim/prune plants as required, maintain tidiness in garden area.



Preeceville & District Health Centre - Entertainment Provider

Provider volunteers provide mental, social, emotional, and physical stimulation to residents
Group choirs, bands, individual piano players, piano/guitar recitals, performances, dance groups, school entertainment, old time dancing groups, hymn sing, story tellers.
Provide 1/2 - 2 hours of music entertainment to residents 
Shifts vary dependent upon group availability:   Sunday to Saturday, mornings, afternoons and evenings. 

Preeceville and District health Centre - One to One Volunteer Associate

The Recreation Associate assists with various activities at the site. They encourage client's participation in activities. 

Recreation Associate are the extra pair of "helping hands" that add to the trained services of the Long-term care facility staff, working together to enhance the lives of residents

Volunteers will interact with clients in a quiet environment and allow them to experience the clients stories and life experiences.   Includes reading, talking and sitting with a resident 

There are no specific times or days 

Preeceville & District Health Centre - Outing and Activity Associate

The Recreation Associate assists with various activities at the site. They encourage client's participation in activities. 

Recreation Associate are the extra pair of "helping hands" that add to the trained services of the Long-term care facility staff, working together to enhance the lives of residents

Volunteers will help to assist portering residents to and from the Abilities Bus/ venue, assist residents with basic needs, eating, drinking, Ride along on the Abilities Bus, assist recreation with supervision on outings.  

Kamsack Hospital & Nursing Home - Spiritual Care Provider

Shares in Enhancing Spiritual needs.  Singing responses, accompaniment on instruments, holding material - books papers. 


Shifts available  Monday - Sunday-  mornings and afternoons.  

Norquay Health Centre - Activity Event Associate

The Recreation Associate assists with various activities at the site. They encourage client's participation in activities. 

Recreation Associate are the extra pair of "helping hands" that add to the trained services of the Long-term care facility staff, working together to enhance the lives of residents

Activities include, but are not limited to:  Reading groups, puzzles, games, bingo, nail painting, going for walks, group painting, crafts, exercise programs, and special events like Christmas parties and teas. Birthday parties, volunteer group outings.

Shifts available :  Monday to Sunday -   mornings, afternoons  evenings    

Canora Gateway Lodge - Entertainment Provider

Provider volunteers provide mental, social, emotional, and physical stimulation to residents
Group choirs, bands, individual piano players, piano/guitar recitals, performances, dance groups, school entertainment, old time dancing groups, hymn sing, story tellers.
Shifts vary dependent upon group availability.
Day/Time: Monday through Sunday, mornings, afternoons, evenings.
Commitment: 1-4 hours.

Immunization Ambassador

The volunteer role will provide a positive, safe and smooth flowing experience while public attend flu clinics. Volunteers will greet public coming to immunization clinics and direct them to waiting areas and to the next available immunizer

Ukrainian Catholic Hall                October 11,2023 1000-1800
Veregin New Horizons Senior Ctr  October 18, 2023        0900-1000
Togo Silver threads Drop In          October 18, 2023              1100-1200
Davies Tower                                October 18, 2023                1330-1530
OCC Hall                                          October 30, 2023                1000-1800                                                  November 15, 2023 1400-1800
Kamsack Public Health Office      December 6, 2023            1500-1800


Preeceville Club 60           October 10, 2023              1000-1800
Sturgis Read Club             October 17, 2023              1400-1800
Preeceville Club 60           October 23, 2023              1000-1800
Preeceville Club 60           November 6, 2023            1400-1800
Preeceville Club 60           November 30, 2023         1400-1800
Preeceville Public Health Office December 19, 2023          1500-1800

Canora Rainbow Hall                  October 12, 2023                1000-1800
Buchanan Club 50 Plus Centre    October 16, 2023              1000-1200
Invermay Community Hall            October 16, 2023              1400-1800
Rama Golden Jet Centre               October 19, 2023              1000-1130
Canora Rainbow Hall                     October 26, 2023              1000-1800
Canora Rainbow Hall                 November 7, 2023            1400-1800
Invermay Community Hall            November 13, 2023         1400-1800
Canora Rainbow Hall                      November 27, 2023         1400-1800
Canora Rainbow Hall                      December 14, 2023          1500-1800






Invermay Health Centre - Pet Visitation Associate

Volunteers will have opportunity to work with their animals in a service role. Residents have the opportunity to watch the pet owner engage with tricks and/or talk about their animals.

Staff liaison will review policy/best practices/infection prevention and control permissions with the volunteer and ensure documentation aligns with pet/animal visits, parades and petting activities etc.(e.g. St. John's Ambulance Dog Therapy program).

Times available: Varied. Site liaison will be in attendance and supervise the Pet Visitation session at all times. Shifts must be scheduled in advance with staff liaison.

Invermay - Meals on Wheels Associate


Meals on Wheels Volunteers deliver nutritious meals to clients assessed as needing support with nutrition.


Personal accomplishment, develop and enhance communication skills, learn new job skills & obtain a work routine, being involved & giving back to community.


Volunteer picks up meals at given time from the outlet and delivers to client in their home. 


Shifts vary, delivery over lunch time hours. 

YRHC -Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehab Exercise Program Assistant

Whole group assistant program with exercise

3 sessions run pre year, Jan- March / May -June / Sept - Dec 

Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30 - 11:00

Gallagher Center -Yorkton

Flex Hall