Board Service and Committees - Airdrie Meals on Wheels - Volunteer Committee Members

Airdrie Meals on Wheels, Volunteer Committee Members

Do you want to give back to the community by volunteering but don’t want a full time commitment, or do you have a particular skill to offer?  Maybe you are

  • outgoing
  • have computer skills
  • can run errands
  • are organized

or are just willing to do whatever task is needed, consider becoming a committee member under the supervision of an Airdrie Meals on Wheels board member.  Perhaps by

  • making phone calls and manning an information booth under the Public Relations and Media Director,
  • phoning references and arranging interviews for the Volunteer Coordinator,
  • assisting the Client Liaison by returning calls from new clients,

you will surely become an asset to Airdrie Meals on Wheels, sharing your skills and working to ensure that those who cannot shop or cook for themselves, receive the nourishing meals they deserve.

For further information, call or email

Sonia, Volunteer Coordinator

Airdrie Meals on Wheels Society
