Board Service and Committees - Airdrie Agricultural Society Board - Secretary
The Secretary shall ensure all administrative functions are performed for the Board and Executive Committee and that records are kept of all proceedings and transactions. The Secretary is the custodian of the ADAS’ seal and of all official books, papers, records, documents and correspondence of Airdrie and District Agricultural Society (ADAS). Archived files are stored at a secure location. Job Description The ADAS Secretary will provide the following services to the ADAS in agreement with the ADAS President: • Attend all meetings of the Society, the Board and the Executive Committee and provide the following support: o Book physical location for meeting, or set up virtual meeting; o Prepare meeting package and distribute to membership prior to the meeting; o Notify the membership and Directors of meetings, as required by the bylaws; o Attend meeting and take meeting minutes; o Distribute meeting minutes within 1 week of meeting • Receives and responds to all correspondence as directed by the Board, including; o Manage ADAS phone mail system: ▪ Check messages a minimum of one time each week; checking may need to occur more frequently prior to events; ▪ Respond to messages as required. o Manage ADAS email: ▪ Check messages a minimum of one time each week; checking may need to occur more frequently prior to events; ▪ Respond to messages as required. o Mail ▪ Collect items from mail box when advised by the Treasurer; ▪ Respond to correspondence and/or share with appropriate Board members, as required; ▪ Provide back up support to the Treasurer for mail collection. Use administrator permissions on the ADAS website to make changes, as required, and in agreement with the Communications Committee. • Ensure that a record of names and addresses of all members of the Society is kept. This is currently the role of the membership/volunteer committee. • Ensures an accurate record of current Directors, including terms, is kept and submitted to Alberta Agriculture and Forestry within 30 days of any changes. • Work with the Treasurer to ensure that documentation required by the Act for the annual return is submitted as required by the bylaws and by the deadline specified. • Provide support for ADAS special events (level of support will vary depending on event and help required). • Liaise with ADAS committees and provide support, as needed. • Carries out other duties assigned by the Board. This position requires proficiency in the use of the computer for: • Word processing • Databases • Presentations • Spreadsheets • Email • Internet Please email for more information or to submit your expression of interest for this position.
Qualifications Required
- Age Requirement Must be at least 18+ Required
- Computer Skills - Microsoft 365 Tools Must be at least Some Experience
- Experience with Microsoft Excel Must be Yes