Volunteer Opportunities in the Senior Center Programs

Long Beach Parks, Recreation & Marine invites seniors of all ages to participate in the many activities and programs offered citywide at the six senior centers. Activities and programs range from arts and cultural experiences, dance, fitness, life-long learning opportunities, enrichment, health and social services, nutrition, excursions, drop-in and special events, volunteerism, and special interest groups.

Senior Center Sites


Phone Number


Cal Rec Community Center at McBride Park

1550 Martin Luther King Jr Ave, Long Beach, CA 90813

(562) 570-1605

Monday – Friday

9 am – 2 pm

Chavez Park

Community Center

401 Golden Ave, Long Beach, CA 90802

(562) 570-8890

Monday – Friday

9 am – 2 pm

El Dorado West Community Center

2800 N Studebaker Rd, Long Beach, CA 90815

(562) 570-3225

Monday – Friday

9 am – 2pm

Houghton Park Community Center

6301 Myrtle Ave, Long Beach, CA 90805

(562) 570-1640

Monday – Friday

9 am – 2 pm

Long Beach Senior Center

1150 E 4th St, Long Beach, CA 90802

(562) 570-3500

Monday – Friday

8 am – 4:30 pm


10 am – 12 pm

Silverado Community Center

1545 W 31st St, Long Beach, CA 90810

(562) 570-1675

Monday – Friday

9 am – 2 pm



General Qualification and Requirements:

  • Must be 18 years old or older
  • Able to attend a general orientation session.
  • Should have excellent interpersonal communication and social skills.
  • Able to follow directions and work in a face pace environment (at times) 
  • They should feel comfortable interacting with all members of the public. 
  • Express sensitivity to diverse populations (culture, age, language, etc.). 
  • Customer service experience (not required, but appreciated).


General Senior Program Volunteer


Volunteer Duties: Greet program participants and members of the public upon entering the facility. Answer general questions about programming. Provide tours of the facility and information about senior programs as needed. Distribute flyers and information regarding programs and upcoming activities. Answer phone calls at the front desk. Volunteers will also aid in the running of scheduled classes and programming which can include setting up chairs and tables, checking in seniors for lunch, and directing inquiries to park staff.


Hours Commitment: Hours commitments may vary by site, please contact staff for availability and scheduling.


General Senior Class Instructor

Volunteer Duties: Utilize your knowledge, skills, or interests to instruct a class or lead a group. Opportunities vary depending on the individual’s expertise. Examples of class topics have included: fitness, art, book clubs, and technology. Demonstrate proficiency in course content. Possess leadership skills, teaching experience, or the ability to guide a group.


Hours Commitment: Hours commitments may vary by site, please contact staff for availability and scheduling.





El Dorado West Community Center

Volunteer Opportunities 


H.S.A. (Human Services Association) – Lunch Program

Volunteer Duties:

Before Lunch: Wipe down tables with soap and hot water. Place centerpieces and salt/pepper shakers on tables. Make coffee/tea. Put cookies out. Wrap silverware. Monitor sign-in table. Take reservations.


During Lunch: Dish out food evenly onto the trays. Deliver the trays of food to the seniors in the dining room.


After Lunch: Help with clean up in the kitchen. Return trays to the kitchen to be washed. Collect centerpieces and salt/pepper shakers. Clean out coffee and coffee cart.


Hours Commitment: Volunteers are needed Monday-Friday between 9 am - 2 pm, however, you may volunteer in shifts.  Hours commitments may vary, see staff for availability and scheduling.


Senior Boutique – The Treasure Cove

The Treasure Cove Boutique contains donated items and handmade goods ranging from books, puzzles, greeting cards, knitted items, jewelry, and more! All proceeds from these sales go towards supporting senior programming and special events


Volunteer Duties: Complete and document transactions and deliver payments to staff. Maintain organization in the Treasure Cove Boutique. Adhere to prices as marked (no bargaining, haggling, or discounts). Comfortable with handling money. Display trustworthiness, dependability, fairness.

Hours Commitment: Hours commitments may vary, see staff for availability and scheduling.



Long Beach Senior Center (4th & Orange)

Volunteer Opportunities


Information and Referral Volunteer

Volunteer Duties: To enhance the quality of life of older adults by providing information regarding Social Services, utility, recreation and nutrition programs, etc.

Hours Commitment: 3 hours per week.


Fitness Program Assistant

Volunteer Duties: Volunteers will assist the Fitness instructors with Exercise Classes.  Be prepared to assist with the set up of needed materials, supplies, chairs, and cleanup for each Fitness Class. Assist the Fitness Instructor with the Exercise Classes by participating in them and be capable of learning various exercises to be taught. Must possess the ability to follow directions, have good verbal communication skills, good customer service, and listening skills


Hours Commitment:  2 to 4-hour time block around class time frame(s). Fitness programs are currently scheduled Monday through Friday at various days and times between the hours of 8 am to 2 pm.


Fitness Room Monitor

Volunteer Duties: The Volunteer will assist Older Adults by showing them how to use the Fitness Room equipment correctly.  Assist with distribution, retrieve and file of Fitness Room orientation forms. The volunteer will assist with the enforcement of safety for activities of the area and assist with keeping the Fitness Room clean.

Hours Commitment:  Fitness Room is currently open Monday through Thursday, 8 am to 4 pm; Friday, 8 am to 4 pm; Saturday, 10 am to 2 pm. Volunteer Shifts include, 8 am to 12 pm, 10 am to 2 pm, 12 pm to 4 pm, or 3 pm to 4 pm.


Friendly Cup Café Kitchen Assistant

Volunteer Duties: Volunteers will make sandwiches; prepare various salads; cook soups; assist with baking various foods, making specials of the day, and prepare breakfast for the Senior Center Friendly Cup Café.  The Volunteers will assist the Main Cook in food preparation, help the public with serving trays, help the food service line, assist with busing Café tables, assist kitchen staff as needed, help with general clean-up of the area.

Hours Commitment:  The Friendly Cup Café is currently open Monday through Friday, 8 am to 2 pm. Volunteer Shifts include, 8 am to 12 pm, 10 am to 2 pm.


Friendly Cup Café Cashier

Volunteer Duties: Volunteers will take food orders from customers and walk the order over to the kitchen then ring the food order on the cash register and take the fees and give the customer a receipt.  The Volunteer will keep the cafeteria food line supplied with items to be bought.  Be able to keep tables and counters clean and assist Cooks when needed.  May need to assist with busing tables and washing dishes as needed. Volunteers must be willing to be trained in and follow the Department’s Cash Handling Procedures.

Hours Commitment:  The Friendly Cup Café is currently open Monday through Friday, 8 am to 2 pm. Volunteer Shifts include, 8 am to 12 pm, 10 am to 2 pm.


Friendly Cup Dishwasher/Bus Person/Helper

Volunteer Duties: The Volunteers will clean the Friendly Cup Café such as the food storage area, walk-in refrigerator, freezer, and general kitchen area.  The Volunteers will remove and wash the dirty dishes from the tables, wash dining tables, wash serving trays, pots, pans, silverware, and cooking equipment.

Hours Commitment:  The Friendly Cup Café is currently open Monday through Friday, 8 am to 2 pm. Volunteer Shifts include, 8 am to 12 pm, 10 am to 2 pm.