





Nau Mai Haere mai ki te Volunteer Portal O Te Kahui Matepukupuku O Te Tai Tokerau

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us. Here you can find out what options we have available.
If you are interested in a particular opportunity, fill out an application form and we will be in touch.

If you are already a registered volunteer simply login with your volunteer login details and click on the "opportunity tab, and If you are new to this you will be asked to create a login to the portal.
You can use this login to update your profile, indicate your availability and sign up for shifts. 

Why volunteer?

We wouldn’t be able to support, inform and empower those touched by cancer without
volunteers like you.
Volunteering is a great opportunity for you to do make a positive impact in your community, be part of a team, share your experience,
learn new skills, and develop lasting friendships. People volunteer for different reasons but they all bring skills, passion and energy to their role.

I would like to volunteer

Fill in an application

Already use to volunteer with this organization?
Log in to your account

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Relay For Life

Relay For Life is an inspirational event for everyone of all fitness levels, during which we celebrate with survivors, remember loved ones lost to cancer and come together as a community to fight back against cancer.
 Teams set up camp and take turns relay style walking/running around a track for 18 hours while enjoying a carnival atmosphere of live music, entertainment, games, activities and fantastic community camaraderie.

Start Date/Time: 23/03/2024

End Date/Time: 24/03/2024

Location: Trigg Arena Whangārei 

Address: 2 Park Avenue, Kensington

Whether you are a cancer survivor, carer, supporter or simply wanting to make a difference, Relay For Life empowers everyone involved

Relay For Life 2024

Activity Shifts Start End
Support Crew 2 3/29/2025 3/29/2025

Mission Statement

Vision and mission

Our Vision

The leading organisation dedicated to reducing the incidence of cancer and ensuring the best cancer care for everyone in New Zealand.

Our Values

  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Excellence 

Our Mission

Improving community wellbeing by reducing the incidence and impact of cancer. The Cancer Society is committed to working with our communities by providing leadership and advocacy in cancer control, with core services in:

  • Health Promotion
  • Support
  • Information and Resources
  • Research.

The Cancer Society of New Zealand is a non-government organisation reliant on community support and donations.

Our Principles

  • Equity
  • Evidence based best practice
  • Co-operation and collaboration
  • Responsiveness
  • An independent professional voice
  • Relevance