Grants Management Department - Inclement Weather Response Volunteer

Grants Management with the City of Arlington is seeking volunteers to aid our un-housed population during times of inclement weather.  We have two windows in which we would like you to volunteer.

Winter Response: November – February                  Summer Response: May – September

Volunteer activities will include the following

  1. Appear at a specified shelter within Arlington city limits when notified by Arlington Grants Manager.
    1. This should be considered an “on-call” volunteer activity, as we can’t always predict weather events.
    2. If you sign up for this volunteer activity, the Grants Manager will reach out once the inclement weather plan has been activated.
    3. You will tell the Grants Manager at that time if you are able to participate.
    4. You will be assigned a shelter location at the time of the Grants Manager call.
  2. Participate in your designated shelter's inclement weather response. This may include (not an exhaustive list):
    1. Handing out blankets.
    2. Serving food.
    3. Directing un-housed patrons to resources within the shelter.
    4. Setting up cots.
    5. Providing water.
  3. Survey un-housed patrons to collect benchmarking data for the Grants Department. (you are not collecting personally identifiable information).
    Benchmarking data will likely include:
    1. How many shelters did they attempt before arriving to this one?
    2. Shelter name
    3. Have they been to an Arlington shelter before?
    4. Did they receive a text message with inclement weather instructions?

Requirements to participate:

  1. You must have reliable transportation to and from your designated shelter.
  2. All volunteers for the City of Arlington are required to undergo a background check.
  3. A Smartphone with access to the internet so you can complete the survey while asking the un-housed patrons the survey questions.