Social Services - Farmers to Family Food Box Distribution
Join us beginning this Thursday, May 6th and continuing each Thursday until the end of June.
We are once again giving out Farmers to Family food boxes from our location and we could use some muscle! We need volunteers to load boxes of produce and a gallon of milk into vehicles. We will have 100 sets to distribute so we need all hands on deck!
Please sign up or log in to choose your desired date. We ask that all volunteers be 16 years old or older for this activity. Plan to arrive promptly at 1 PM to help unload the truck and stage. Check in will take place at The Salvation Army Thrift Store located at 15 E. 18th St. in Kearney. Please do not bring anyone with you who has not signed up through Better Impact or the volunteer department. The distribution itself will begin at 2 PM and will continue until all is distributed, likely around 3:30pm. Plan to be on your feet, lifting, walking, and greeting drivers during your shift. And as always, don’t forget to wear your mask.