Wellness and Spay/Neuter Clinic - Veterinarian Technician

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the St. Augustine Humane Society! We want every pet to have the chance to live happy, healthy lives with their loving families. Our programs and resources are designed to fight against the most common reasons pets are relinquished to shelters. By providing these lifesaving resources to the community, we are able to help reduce the need for animals to enter shelters, helping end needless euthanasia.


What is the Vet Tech position?

Vet Techs are an important part of our Wellness Clinic. Because the rising cost of veterinary care is one of the main reasons pets are relinquished to shelters, our low-cost Wellness Clinic serves as a way for all pet parents to get the important medical attention their pet needs. Vet Techs are the frontline in our clinic process and provide as much medical attention to pets as they can so the Vet has more time with each client during the office exam.


Do I have the qualifications needed to become a Vet Tech?

The best Vet Techs are concerned for the wellbeing of animals and want to ensure that every pet stays with its loving family instead of being relinquished to an animal shelter. If you work effectively in a busy environment, have high situational awareness, and have extensive knowledge and experience with veterinary medicine and clinics, you will be an effective Vet Tech.


How much time must I commit as a Vet Tech?

Before volunteering, volunteers will attend a clinic orientation, then will be provided with on-the-job training with an experienced volunteer until they are able to perform the required tasks on their own. While training, volunteers should plan on being present for the whole day. Once training is complete, Vet Techs are expected to volunteer at least four days a month. Volunteers are expected to arrive 15 minutes early for staff meetings and stay until their last client is served.


What are the responsibilities of the Vet Tech?

  • Assist Vet and other Vet Techs as needed
  • Safely restrain pets during medical treatment
  • Take samples (fecal, ear cytology, etc.)
  • Record vitals (weight, temperature, and heart rate)
  • Draw blood, clip nails, clean ears, and similar tasks
  • Clean and disinfect exam areas and equipment, and organize lab at the end of each day
  • Must sign Volunteer Agreement and Waiver prior to volunteering
  • Must wear wine-colored scrubs and close-toed shoes (to be purchased by volunteer)


Our mission. The St. Augustine Humane Society promotes healthy, responsible, lifelong pet ownership by serving the medical and rehabilitative needs of companion animals in our community. Our programs are designed to strengthen human-pet relationships and reduce the need for pets to enter shelters. Our goal is to ensure all pets have access to quality veterinary care, prevent overpopulation, and prevent animal suffering.


For more information, please visit www.staughumane.org.

Qualifications Required

  • Age Must be at least 18 - 55
  • How much weight can you safely and comfortably lift? Must be at least 21 - 30 pounds
  • Veterinary/Medical Experience Must be at least 1 - 3 Years

Schedule Summary

This activity generally occurs on

  • Tuesday - Morning, Afternoon
  • Wednesday - Morning, Afternoon
  • Thursday - Morning, Afternoon
  • Friday - Morning, Afternoon