Caru Eryri - digwyddiadau / Care for Snowdonia - events - Taith Gerdded Prosiect Morwellt / Seagrass Project Walk, Porth Dinllaen
Taith gerdded gyda Swyddog Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol Porthdinllaen, Robert Parkinson. Cyfle i ddysgu am ardal hyfryd Porthdinllaen, y bad achub, hanes y pentref a bywyd gwyllt yr ardal. Bydd Robert yn sôn am waith yr YG yno, a cewn ddysgu am brosiect Adfer Morwellt. Bydd y llanw yn isel am 4:30 a bydd cyfle i weld y morwellt a dysgu am y prosiect pwysig yma sy’n gwarchod ac adfer yr adnodd hynod bwysig ac arbennig yma. Dewch a fflasg o ddiod cynnes gyda chi – bydd danteithion bach ar gael! Lefel ffitrwydd - hawdd |
Join us for a walk with Robert Parkinson, National Trust officer in Porthdinllaen. He will guide us on a walk in this lovely area, telling us about the village and history of Porthdinllaen, the Lifeboat, and the wildlife in the area. He will also tell us all about the work the National Trust do in the area, and describe the Seagrass Project. Low tide is at 4:30 so we will be able to see the seagrass and learn more about this important project which protects and restores this special and vital natural resource. Bring a flask with a warm drink; we’ll supply some sweet treats! Fitness level - easy |