Celebration Company West-Our Social Entrepreneurial Program for Adults with Disabilities

  • After Hours Candle Roller – assist with the production of candles. This could be arranged for a small group of friends or a volunteer group. (Monday evenings, dependent upon staff scheduling. BYOB)
  • Bus Rider – ride the Celebration Company bus either in the morning or in the afternoon to assist the driver by helping the participants on/off the bus and providing social interaction. Volunteers can take a single shift or more, depending up on their availability. (Daily or weekly)
  • Community Exploration Coach – willing take a small group of participants out into the community for field trips or volunteering. This could be a small group volunteer project.
  • Exercise Partner – to partner with a participant of the program and work with them on their exercise regime. (Weekly or Bi-weekly commitment: Tuesdays 2-3pm at the ERJCC)
  • Guest Chef – design a kosher meal with the Celebration Company staff and then come on a Friday to help guide CC participants in the preparation of the meal. No more than two chefs collaborating on the same day. (Episodic, no regular commitment)
  • Job Coach – mentor an adult with developmental or neurological differences as they perform job duties which will help them to become more self-sufficient. (Weekly)
  • Photo Editor – help to review, clean up and edit photos taken by Celebration Company participants to process for sales on their website or via the gift shop. Must have experience, access to an editing program, access to drop box, and be able to work for one to two hours weekly.
  • Project Assistant – assist Celebration Company staff with participant projects as they create the products (candles, art, embossed products, etc.) that help to fund their program. (Weekly)
  • Retail Program Developer –help develop a retail pop-up shop program or assist with finding secondary locations (inside a business, hotel, building) where Celebration Company can set up a “store” and interact with the community while selling their products.