Habitat Restoration Crew (Mission Trails)

How can you get your exercise for the day and help improve the natural habitats in Mission Trails at the same time! By joining Ranger Heidi's Habitat Restoration Crew, held on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. (except in July & Aug., due to the heat). This volunteer crew helps refurbish disturbed habitat in the park by removing invasive, non-native plants, adding and watering native plants, and mulching around newly added plants to help retain soil moisture and reduce the growth of weeds.

Volunteers are responsible for knowing their own physical limitations, the safe usage of tools, and being aware of the environment (sun/heat, rattlesnakes, ticks, poison oak, etc.). Please wear long pants and sturdy, closed-toe shoes. Also, please be sure to bring along work gloves (if you have any), sun protection and a water bottle to refill.  Ice water, Gatorade and snacks will be provided. 

* Minors under the age of 13 must have an adult present with them to volunteer, as well as the volunteer waiver electronically signed by a parent or guardian in order to participate. 

For specific meeting location and to RSVP, please contact Ranger Heidi at (619) 668-3276 or hgutknecht@sandiego.gov (Rain cancels)