Community Item Swaps - 4.22: Community Gear Swap - Outdoor Gear - West St. Paul
General Description
Outdoor gear takes up a lot of storage space and eventually may get thrown away. Not only is used gear easier on the budget, but it’s also better for the environment (reducing impact by reusing old materials). An outdoor gear swap provides an opportunity for residents to leave their unwanted outdoor gear and take as many items as they wish – for free. All gear left over after the event will be donated to a local reuse retailer.
Volunteers will assist with greeting residents, weighing gear brought in, and keeping swap area organized.
Lebanon Hills Regional Park - Visitor Center
860 Cliff Road
Eagan, MN 55123
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 22
3:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Duties & Responsibilities
- Check people in and help them weigh their gear
- Ensure room stays neat and tidy (folding clothing, help residents organize gear)
- Check residents out, ensuring they fill out a follow up survey
Minimum time commitment
4 hours
Activity level
Medium – May involve varying amounts of activity. Comfortable, sturdy shoes recommended.
Other Information
Check the Dakota County website for more information and a handout. Go to, search swaps
Contact information
Rachel Danis
Parks Special Events Coordinator
Phone: 952-891-7168
Qualifications Required
- Accepted Data Privacy Notice - Tennessen Notice Must be Yes
- Signed Volunteer Waiver Must be at least Yes
Schedule Summary
This activity has the following schedule
Date | Start Time | End Time |
Tuesday, April 22, 2025 | 3:30 PM | 7:30 PM |