Rodney Neighbourhood Kindergarten
Our kindergarten, surrounded by nature, offers nurturing and inclusive early childhood programs inspired by the educational guidelines of Austrian philosopher, Rudolf Steiner, and guided by the National and Early Years Learning framework. In partnership with parents we strive to protect and nurture the wonder and joy of an unrushed childhood and with reverence work together to optimise the unfolding holistic development of each child, helping them to grow in strengths and rejoice in life. The seasons guide our program bringing to us the natural rhythm of life and richness of seasonal activities, adventures and festivals as well as the joyful discoveries of seasonal wonders that the world of nature offers us all. Art, crafts, games, stories and songs are woven into the seasons. There is a daily rhythm and balance of child directed play and teacher led activity, of indoor and outdoor play. A time for one to dream, to wonder, to work, play and create by oneself or with friends. To run with the wind and dance with joy. Then a time to come together to share, to work, to learn and celebrate together as a community. A healthy balance that children come to know and within it they can relax, feel safe and flourish.