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Community Corrections and Rehabilitation

Vikings Players volunteer at the Juvenile Detention Center

Mission Statement

Mission:  ​To enhance community safety, promote community restoration and reduce the risk of re-offense.  Vision:  We are an equity-focused, client-centered and employee-driven department.



General Interests

AA Facilitator Adult Correctional Facility




12-Step Group Facilitator Volunteer



OBJECTIVE:      Create a community link to sobriety for Adults returning to the community through learning about Alcoholic Alcoholics and AA meetings.



 Introduction to the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and if requested facilitation of an AA meeting for justice involved residents the Adult Correctional Facility  in Plymouth MN  at either the Men's Building or the Women's Building



  • Interest and ability to serve justice involved residents in 12-Step Group facilitations and information sessions.
  • Experience in the program to carry the message of the fellowship; and at least two years of current recovery.
  • Knowledge of appropriate professional boundaries in a correctional setting.



  • General orientation to the Department of Community Corrections and Rehabilitation; training to site specific protocols and policy mandates provided by task supervisor.
  • On-going department/division training as appropriate.


SUPERVISION:  Task Supervisor at  the  Adult Correctional Facility.



TIME COMMITMENT: 1.5 hours Actual meeting or presentation 45 minutes to 1 hour.





  • Opportunity to assist others who are wanting to get and maintain sobriety in their lives.
  • Gain experiencing in working with at people who are justice involved.
  • Creating a resource for Adults who will be reentering our community.




Veteran Court Mentor Volunteer

Veteran Treatment Court is a voluntary program and is actively recruiting community volunteers military veterans to serve as positive and supporting peer mentors for 1 year.  Mentors are required to be vaccinated and successfully complete a background check before training and being matched with a mentee.

Adult Corrections Facility

Fill in an application

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