City of Roseville Community Volunteer Center


AFS Intercultural Programs

American Cancer Society

American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network

American Cancer Society Relay For Life

American Discovery Homestay Program

Aspect Foundation International Student Exchange

Bristol Hospice Volunteer Services

Bristol Hospice, LLC

Child Advocates of Placer County

Community Resource Council

Goodwill Industries Sacramento Valley Northern Nevada

Horses For Healing, Inc.

Junior Achievement of Sacramento


Teaching free enterprise, business and economics in K-12 classrooms.
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Just Math, Inc.

Marketing and Fundraising

Just Math Learning Centers is a local non-profit organization dedicated to providing affordable math tutoring to our local students. We are seeking assistance from energetic volunteers who have previous marketing and fund-raising experience to help our organization reach out to the community.
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Kids First Family Resource Centers

Lakeside Therapeutic Riding Center

MADD Mother's Against Drunk Driving

Making Memories Bresat Cancer Foundation

Pacific Forest Institute/William Jessup University

Placer County Law Enforcement Chaplaincy

Community Chaplain

First responder to community emergency crisis events such as death and bereavement counseling.
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Placer Nature Center


docent training is Sept. 2007 for volunteers to work during the 07-08 school yr. Mon-fri 9am-noon. Docent dates are only the ones you sign up for, you can work 5 days a week or 3 days a month, etc.

Office & Administration

Essential functions to help Placer Nature Center run effectively.

Organizers & Coordinators

Like to organize and coordinate? Tackle special projects and/or help organize people, events or contests? Then we need you!
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Placer Theatre Ballet

Ride To Walk

Property Maintenance

Help with maintenance of property at Ride To Walk riding facility in Lincoln, CA.
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Rocklin Historical Society

Heritage Park Project

Heritage Park Project is an initiative sponsored by the Rocklin Historical Society. The first phase of this project is to renovate Rocklin's oldest public building, Saint Mary's Church. (The designation
"Saint Mary's" is retained for historical accuracy. The building is no longer associated with the faith.)

Rocklin History Museum

The Rocklin History Musuem is located in the historic Fletcher House. We invite you to come explore our fascinating collection of artifacts while learning of Rocklin's rich history.

We are located across from City Hall at the corner of San Francisco and Rocklin Road.
(3895 Rocklin Road)

Wednesday (1- 4 )
Saturday (1- 4 )
Sunday (1- 4 )

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Ronald McDonald House Charities NC

Roseville Historical Society

Roseville R.E.C.

Roseville Urban Forest Foundation

Environment Restoration. Urban Forest

Roseville Urban Forest Foundation events are safe, fun outdoor activities for all the family that are designed to restore and develop our urban forest.
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Seniors First


You have the opportunity to bless someone's day! You can provide transportation for homebound seniors to appointments, errands or other events or you can deliever meals for homebound seniorsin the Rocklin, Roseville, Lincoln, Auburn and Colfax area. You choose how often to serve. daily, weekly or monthly. Come join the fun!

Grant Writer/Researcher

We would love to have someone who loves to do research and write grants!


Friendly Vistor Program
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Sierra Family Services, Inc.

Stand Up Placer

Supporting Community Connections

The California Museum

The Lazarus Project, Inc.

Public Realtions

Have a dramatic impact in the lives of the people who are the most overlooked in our society...the homeless. Your efforts will assure that our organization will communicate its mission ans stories of the people we serve to the community at large.


Have a dramatic impact in the lives of the people who are the most overlooked in our society...the homeless. Your efforts will assure that we will meet the specific needs of our organization and the people we serve.
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The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

The Northern California Chapter of The Neuropathy Association

VIP Mentors


Community Outreach

Community Fair Representative

Direct Service Volunteer Opportunities

Peer Counselor Training
Crisis Line Counselor
Children's Activities
Speaker's Bureau


Various Thirft Store Duties

Volunteer Opportunities

Please visit WEAVE's website for more information about volunteering.
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