Garden Organic

North Somerset Master Composters



Promoting home composting in North Somerset


North Somerset Master Composters are volunteers who encourage home composting and waste prevention. 

We are looking for volunteers across North Somerset to promote home composting in their local community, encouraging householders to take up composting and ensuring those already composting do so effectively. Master Composters come from many backgrounds and age groups; their unifying feature is their enthusiasm for composting and their ability to engage with and make a difference to their local community.  MCs attend events as diverse as school assemblies, farmers markets, flower shows, green days, village fetes and music festivals. There will be opportunities to run environmental education projects, make video guides, write social media tips, support allotments and help set up community composting schemes. The role is as diverse as you want to make it!

If you are interested in gardening, the environment and particularly composting, and willing to give your time then get in touch. Full training is provided. We ask volunteers to commit to 30 hours per year voluntary activity, which can be any kind of composting promotion. In return,  we offer free Garden Organic membership, all the resources you will need to promote home composting, regular training (both in person and online monthly webinars), socials, expert advice from the team at Garden Organic and support from your local project coordinator. 

People’s attitudes and behaviour can be influenced by family, friends, neighbours or work colleagues and it is for this reason that our volunteers can provide a unique and much-needed role.


To find out more about the role and to apply to join our network of likeminded volunteers from around the county please select the options below.


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