Voluntary Action South West Surrey


Asthma + LungUK

Mission Statement

Our mission is to drive the transformation of lung health. We strive for a world where lung health is prioritised through better understanding, research, treatment and support.

Therefore we fund cutting-edge research, and provide advice and support for the 12 million people who will get a lung condition during their lifetime.

We also campaign for clean air and better NHS diagnosis and treatment. 

General Interests

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Crossroads Care Surrey



We at Crossroads Care Surrey have a variety of voluntary roles available.    


Crossroads Care is Surrey's leading charity providing respite care support to Carers. We've been working across Surrey for over 30 years, with our core purpose being to improve the quality of life of unpaid carers and those they are caring for. 


COVID-19 Emergency Response

As a result of Coronavirus, Crossroads swiftly implemented a response by providing essential shopping and prescription collection services to carers and to other vulnerable people that were isolated at home. We provided regular wellbeing calls to check in on people to see how they were coping and to offer support with shopping. We're now developing a volunteer based Outreach Support and Telephone Befriending with Digital Tech project largely in response to Covid, but which enable us to continue to support people who need it with shopping and prescription collections, and also with support in learning and using digital technology.  We are seeking new volunteers who are interested in providing Outreach Support and / or Telephone or Digital Befriending.


As an Outreach Support Volunteer you would support people living in the same borough as yourself with shopping and prescription collections. We would provide you with appropriate PPE and pay any related fuel costs.  


As a Befriender you would support carers and other older people, or those being cared for, who are feeling isolated and alone and who would benefit from having someone to speak to simply to chat about life, the weather, local services and events etc. We're interested in hearing from volunteers who are relatively IT savvy and would be able to connect to our Cloud based phone system to make telephone or virtual calls to clients. We'd also like volunteers to get involved with an exciting new Befriending with digital tech project, through which you would be able to support people in learning to use, or building confidence in using laptops, smart phones and tablets. Even if you're not computer savvy, but would benefit from being a befriender yourself, please get in touch.


We are also now looking for people that are interested in supporting the development of the charity as a Trustee. We are looking for people with relevant and transferrable skills in keys areas including accounting & finance, HR & culture, marketing & fundraising and operations.  Find out more and apply through our website at https://crossroadscaresurrey.org.uk/about-us/#trustee


And we are always looking for people that are interested in other volunteering roles, including by offering support in care or club settings, in the community, with fundraising, or in the head office.


If you are interested in becoming part of our Surrey wide team and being involved in providing support to your community, please email us at enquiries@crossroadscaresurrey.org.uk to request a volunteer pack.


We'd love to hear from you... if you have a good understanding of what it's like to be a carer and are looking to give something back through volunteering.

Mission Statement

Crossroads Care Surrey is an established charity of over 30 years, offering a range of support services to carers and the people for whom they care.  We are committed to supporting people at an earlier stage in their care journey and recognise there can be a considerable length of time between a person needing some care and support periodically and them needing full time, round-the-clock care.



Community Support Volunteers will support Crossroads Care Surrey by providing the delivery of essential shopping for cared for people and carers that are struggling with the weekly shop or collecting prescriptions. With access to your own vehicle, you will receive requests made by the Community Support Co-ordinator to complete a shopping trip to help the people Crossroads Care Surrey support in your community.  


Befriending Volunteers will support befriending service to the people we support, enabling them to benefit from knowing there is someone there to listen, understand, be their friend and check in on their wellbeing. Calls could last anything from 10 minutes to half an hour and you will need to ensure that you can listen with understanding and patience and then respond appropriately.


Our Companion Volunteers provide visits upwards of 1 and a half hours.  Companionship visits are generally provided by our team of volunteers and are geared up towards people in the early stages of their caring journey, and their loved ones who do not – at this stage – require round-the-clock or specialist support.


We're also looking for new Trustee's to join us now, so if you're interested in supporting us in leading the development of respite services for carers in Surrey, please enquire through our website www.crossroadscaresurrey.org.uk


We are also always looking for people that are interested in other volunteering roles, including by offering support in care or club settings, in the community or in the head office.


If you are interested in becoming part of our Surrey wide team and being involved in providing support to your community, please email us at enquiries@crossroadscaresurrey.org.uk to request a volunteer pack.


We'd love to hear from you... if you have a good understanding of what it's like to be a carer and are looking to give something back through volunteering.

General Interests

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Dan Eley Foundation, The (Godalming)

Mission Statement

The goal of The Dan Eley Foundation is to create a supportive environment where disadvantaged young children are given the opportunity to try a range of technical and vocational skills and to provide them with the professional training they need to obtain legitimate employment.

It is our aim to be recognized as a charity that helps young people to help themselves and ultimately achieve true independence.

General Interests

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Guildford Borough Council - Community Wellbeing Team

Mission Statement

Do you love gardening? Do you like helping those in your community? Then we have the perfect project for you!


We are looking for volunteers to help those in their local community, who are not able to upkeep their gardens. We are aiming to start the project in Merrow during the Springtime. This is a pilot project and in the future, we would love for it to be rolled out across all the wards of Guildford.

General Interests

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Guildford Health Walks

Mission Statement

The goal of Guildford Health Walks is that everyone will have access to a short, free and friendly health walk within easy reach of where they live, to help them become and stay active; and we couldn't do this without all the amazing volunteers that make our health walks possible. 

From volunteer walk leaders and assistants, volunteers do a fantastic job in supporting and developing the national Walking for Health initiative. I'd love for you to be a part of that too!

Guildford Health Walks currently has five walk groups in Guildford. The groups are: Boxgrove Park, Merrow Down, Shalford, Shere, Spectrum leisure centre, Worplesdon and Whitmoor Common.

The walks are aimed at people recovering from illness, or people wanting to get a bit more active.

Leading walks is a fun way of giving something back to your local community. You will make new friends and discover lovely outdoor places. 

General Interests

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Marie Curie

Marie Curie is the UK’s leading end of life charity.

Everyone deserves the right support at the end of life. We’re here for anyone with an illness they’re likely to die from, and their family and friends.

Whatever the illness, we’re with you to the end

Mission Statement

Our Mission

Over the next five years and beyond, our mission is to close the gap in end of life care. Between now and 2028 we'll design and deliver services providing the best possible care and support to people living with any terminal illness, and those close to them. And we'll play a leading role in shaping the end of life system across the UK; driving research, influencing public policy, campaigning for change, and fighting for better services – so everyone has access to the end of life care and support they need.

Companion Volunteer - Surrey Care Homes

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NE Hants & Farnham Social Prescribing Project

Mission Statement

The overarching aims of Family Action's Social Prescribing service in North East Hampshire and Farnham are to:

  • Improve health and wellbeing outcomes for residents in the area
  • Reduce inappropriate demand for health and social services
  • Enable residents to be proactive in managing their own health and wellbeing
  • Help people to access the right support
  • Be accessible to as many people as possible within the community

General Interests

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Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre - RASASC Guildford

Mission Statement

To provide a clear, accessible pathway for Surrey-based survivors of rape and sexual abuse, through confidential and specialist person-centred services. To work to reduce perceived stigmas associated with rape and sexual abuse through education and awareness raising.

Volunteer Counsellors Needed

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Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey

Mission Statement

Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey is an inclusive organisation dedicated to enabling and empowering people who are Deaf, hard of hearing, blind, partially sighted and deafblind. We champion independence, where people thrive in their communities and achieve their aspirations.

General Interests

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South West Surrey Domestic Abuse Outreach Service

Mission Statement

South West Surrey Domestic Abuse Service (SWSDA) supports anyone affected by domestic abuse living in the boroughs of Guildford and Waverley.

We provide free, confidential and independent advice, skilled practical help and ongoing emotional support and information. We have helped thousands of survivors living in our local communities to feel empowered and informed to live a life free from domestic abuse harm.

Food Delivery Farnham to Godalming Thursday mornings

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Are you looking for a challenge?  Do you have some spare time?  Do you want to give something back to your community?  Is justice important to you and do you like to see fair play?


If your answer is ‘yes’ to any of the above you may want to become an Appropriate Adult.


The Appropriate Adult Service offers support to vulnerable adults and young people who find themselves detained in Police custody. Being an Appropriate Adult is a challenging, fulfilling and rewarding role.  The service SAAVS offer is 24 hour 365 days per year and each volunteer owns a regular weekly slot of between 6 and 8 hours.


What will be expected of me?


You don’t need previous knowledge of legal procedures or social work. The role of the Appropriate Adult is not to provide legal advice but to offer impartial support and be a friendly face in the absence of a family member or carer to people who may be feeling frightened, bewildered, and confused in an unfamiliar situation.  As an Appropriate Adult you’ll join our team of volunteers and will be on call at times to suit you. You will be available to answer a call to custody in a swift and professional manner and have access to reliable transport.  You will offer vital support to those who need it when they need it most.


What sort of person becomes an Appropriate Adult?


All sorts of people become Appropriate Adults and bring different skills to the team. Two things they all have in common is an excellent ability to communicate and a willingness to donate their free time to SAAVS. 


Our introductory two-day training sessions for new volunteers are planned for:





14th and 21st March 2020

20th and 27th June 2020

3rd and 10th October 2020


Mission Statement

This scheme provides for an adult to be present when a juvenile or vulnerable adult is being interviewed in custody, when a parent or other representative is not available. The volunteers are all trained and ready to attend the police station at any time. This scheme is so successful that it has been the recipient of a number of prestigious awards and is now the only provider of this service to Surrey. The scheme is funded through Surrey Youth Justice Team and Surrey County Council's Mental Health Team.

General Interests

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