Voluntary Action South West Surrey


Cranleigh Riding for Disabled

Mission Statement

Through the commitment of volunteers, RDA enables people with disabilites to ride to benefit their health and well being and to achieve their goals 

Riding offers a degree of independence that many disabled people cannot have in their daily life.
There are also medical advantages - the warmth and three dimensional movement of the horse is transmitted through the rider's body, gradually making it more relaxed and supple, reducing spasticity and improving balance, posture and co-ordination. The movement of the pelvis influences the lumbar region and is transferred up the spine thus encouraging control of the trunk and head. Riding a horse makes mobility possible.  From the elevated position on its back, riders have an opportunity to see more than would otherwise be possible for them. The experience our riders gain through the contact they have with our ponies also helps to create a great sense of achievement and confidence. We hope that this will, in turn, make their lives easier and more fulfilled.

General Interests

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Dance Woking

Mission Statement

Established in 1994, Dance Woking is an innovative dance organisation that provides high quality opportunities to watch, perform and take part in dance, providing new experiences that inspire artists, audiences, participants and communities.


Our work is primarily for Woking and the surrounding Surrey towns and villages.

We serve and support networks across the age spectrum from schoolchildren, to students and recent graduates, to young people outside training and education, and the perennials.

Dance lovers across the county and into London rave about our regular live public performances.

And our pop-up and festival appearances in shopping centres and local parks bring our public spaces to life.


Our work brings unexpected and lasting benefits through dance to real communities at grass roots level where it has lasting impact.

We are a thriving and nimble business firmly rooted in Woking and Surrey, soon entering our fourth decade of inspiring dance.

We’re alert to local collaborations and equipped to offer more, especially with our funding partners at the Borough Council.

We work with other regional agents in housing and health, in sport and in schools; and we have successful alliances with independent dance artists and choreographers, and with specialist dance schools and mainstream education providers.

General Interests

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Farnham Community Farm

Mission Statement

Founded in 2008, Farnham Community Farm, previously known as Farnham Local Food, is a community-run project supported by volunteer labour. Our aim is to provide fresh, locally-grown vegetables for people in and around the Farnham area.

Here’s some of the things we are proud of:

•    We care about the environment and our produce has virtually no food miles.

•    Our vegetables are the freshest in town, usually picked on the same day they are collected.

•   Same day freshness guarantees our veg maintain valuable nutrients which are lost in mass produced supermarket veg that has travelled for miles to reach your table.

•    We can grow varieties purely for taste rather than transportability.

•    Although not certified, we use organic practices to grow our veg which means everything is free of pesticides.

•    All our members have the opportunity to actively help out with the scheme.

We currently have places within our scheme if you would like to buy produce weekly.  There are a three different sizes of veg share available at competitive prices, please refer to our weekly veg bag page for more information.

As with all community projects we always need more help in all areas of our scheme.  If you think FCF is something you may enjoy being part of then come along and see us. All ages, all abilities, everyone is welcome.  We hope to see you there.

General Interests

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Farnham Swimming Baths Trust

Mission Statement

To benefit the inhabitants of Farnham and its neighbourhood by the provision and maintenance of an open space, including gardens.

Principal activity is the maintenance and enhancement of the Victoria Gardens in Farnham.

General Interests

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Frensham Pond Sailability (Farnham)

Mission Statement

To provide recreational and competitive sailing for people with a disability or long term illness.

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Girlguiding Surrey West - Herons Wey (Farnham)

If you love the outdoors and would like young people to get the chance to enjoy it too, then welcome to Herons Wey.  Herons Wey is a 52 acre campsite in Tilford owned by Girlguiding Surrey West since 1977.  Completely run by volunteers, we are looking for as much help as we can find to maintain and improve what we offer.  We look forward to meeting you.

Mission Statement

Girlguiding is the largest organisation for girls and young women in the UK.  The aim is to sustain and promote a stimulating and enjoyable programme of activities.  These will help girls and young women develop their potential and enable them to play an active role in their community.

General Interests

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Guildford Health Walks

Mission Statement

The goal of Guildford Health Walks is that everyone will have access to a short, free and friendly health walk within easy reach of where they live, to help them become and stay active; and we couldn't do this without all the amazing volunteers that make our health walks possible. 

From volunteer walk leaders and assistants, volunteers do a fantastic job in supporting and developing the national Walking for Health initiative. I'd love for you to be a part of that too!

Guildford Health Walks currently has five walk groups in Guildford. The groups are: Boxgrove Park, Merrow Down, Shalford, Shere, Spectrum leisure centre, Worplesdon and Whitmoor Common.

The walks are aimed at people recovering from illness, or people wanting to get a bit more active.

Leading walks is a fun way of giving something back to your local community. You will make new friends and discover lovely outdoor places. 

General Interests

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Guildford Sea Cadets

Mission Statement

We are a very well established Sea Cadet unit that has been in operation since 1942. We were recognised in 2010 as one of the best units in the southern area. This is not only because of our central location, right in the heart of Guildford, but because of our ethos and commitment to provide top notch activities for young people.

Our superb location, perched on the banks of the River Wey near the National Trust's Dapdune Wharf, is so close to the water that you can touch it. And this fits well with our aim; to give young people the opportunity to get out onto the water, gain confidence and have a lot of laughs at the same time.

We want to keep our cadets active both on an off the water. Long evenings in the Summer months mean loads of time on the water: Kayaking, sailing, rowing and driving power boats. Then when the nights draw cold and you think that all we can do is in a classroom you find we keep active: rock climbing, leadership games and activities and sports games.

We currently have 65 cadets, male and female aged between 10 and 18, of whom 16 are Royal Marine Cadets.

We have a wide range of facilities and instructional staff which means we can offer you the opportunity to learn new skills in a safe environment whilst having loads of fun!

Volunteer for Guildford Sea Cadets

Sea Cadet Instructor


We are a very well established Sea Cadet unit that has been in operation since 1942. We were recognised in 2010 as one of the best units in the southern area. This is not only because of our central location, right in the heart of Guildford, but because of our ethos and commitment to provide top notch activities for young people.

Our superb location, perched on the banks of the River Wey near the National Trust's Dapdune Wharf, is so close to the water that you can touch it. And this fits well with our aim; to give young people the opportunity to get out onto the water, gain confidence and have a lot of laughs at the same time.

We want to keep our cadets active both on an off the water. Long evenings in the Summer months mean loads of time on the water: Kayaking, sailing, rowing and driving power boats. Then when the nights draw cold and you think that all we can do is in a classroom you find we keep active: rock climbing, leadership games and activities and sports games.

We currently have 65 cadets, male and female aged between 10 and 18, of whom 16 are Royal Marine Cadets.

We have a wide range of facilities and instructional staff which means we can offer you the opportunity to learn new skills in a safe environment whilst having loads of fun!

We are looking for volunteers to supervise and train(once qualified) cadets - boys and girls aged from 10 to 18. Activities include canoeing, sailing (including offshore opportunities), PE, shooting, expeditions (including D of E awards), catering etc. Also classroom instruction in engineering, seamanship, communications, etc.

When Required - Uniformed instructors - 2 weekday evenings

                      - Civilian instructors - 1 evening

                      - Casual helpers - as available (U25V)

Areas of interest - Children, Sport and Outdoor Activities, Youth

Types of Activity - Practical work and DIY, Teaching, Training and Coaching, Youth Work

Skills - Interest in helping young people. Willingness to go on courses which might involve a weekend. CRB necessary and Child Protection Courses are mandatory. 18+

Expenses - Travel and food during training activities at the weekend (only for uniformed staff)

Directions - At Dapdune Wharf next to the National Trust on River Wey. Access either via Walnut Tree Close (car park) of Woodbridge Road (park on road) and then via footpath which links the two.

Recruitment Method - CRB Check, Informal Discussion, Interviews, References


Management Committee Member


We are a very well established Sea Cadet unit that has been in operation since 1942. We were recognised in 2010 as one of the best units in the southern area. This is not only because of our central location, right in the heart of Guildford, but because of our ethos and commitment to provide top notch activities for young people.

Our superb location, perched on the banks of the River Wey near the National Trust's Dapdune Wharf, is so close to the water that you can touch it. And this fits well with our aim; to give young people the opportunity to get out onto the water, gain confidence and have a lot of laughs at the same time.

We want to keep our cadets active both on an off the water. Long evenings in the Summer months mean loads of time on the water: Kayaking, sailing, rowing and driving power boats. Then when the nights draw cold and you think that all we can do is in a classroom you find we keep active: rock climbing, leadership games and activities and sports games.

We currently have 65 cadets, male and female aged between 10 and 18, of whom 16 are Royal Marine Cadets.

We have a wide range of facilities and instructional staff which means we can offer you the opportunity to learn new skills in a safe environment whilst having loads of fun!

Description of Volunteer Role - We are looking for volunteers to help with the management, fundraising, publicity, insurance, safety personnel and other policy aspects of running a flourishing youth organisation run entirely by volunteers.

Volunteers would be required for one evening per month for committee meetings and occasional visits to the unit for other purposes.

The Management Committee meets about 10 times per year and the AGM is from 7.15 to 9.15pm, usually on a Tuesday or Wednesday. There are also some ad hoc meetings when VIPs visit on a Monday or Thursday (probably 2 per year)

When Required - Time Flexible

Commitment: Part Time

Areas of Interest - Children, Sport and Outdoor Activities, Youth.

Types of Activity - Community Work, Fundraising, Marketing, PR and Media, Trusteeship and Committee Work.

Skills - None other than a desire and enthusiasm to help the youngsters of today become the responsible adults of tomorrow.

There are occasional courses run by the Sea Cadet Corps to attend. Also a CRB check is necessary and a child protection course every 3 years. 

Directions - At Dapdune Wharf, next to the National Trust on the River Wey. Access either via Walnut Tree Close (Car Park) or Woodbridge Road(Park on Road) and then via footpath which links the two.

Recruitment Method - CRB Check, Informal Discussion.


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National Trust - Polesden Lacey (Great Bookham, Near Dorking)

The National Trust at Polesden Lacey are keen to recruit more volunteers for various teams at the property, the House, Coast & Countryside and Facilities teams. 




Mission Statement

The National Trust - Our values and behaviours.

Our purpose is to look after special places, for ever, for everyone. Growing the nation's love of special places is how we do that, putting the relationship between people and places at the heart of what we do.

Our core purpose remains the same as it has been for 125 years, to bring nature, beauty and history into the lives of as many people as possible.

Our values tell us how to do this, as they guide us in our choices and influence our behaviour. 

Love people and places 

Welcome everyone

Think now and forever

Make it happen!



General Interests

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Puttenham Barn

Mission Statement



Puttenham Barn is run by a small environmental charity called Project Oasis North Downs (POND).

Its mission is to provide simple inexpensive overnight accommodation in a 250 year old barn, in an environmentally responsible way.

It is aimed at walkers, cyclists & people enjoying the surrounding beautiful countryside.

The Barn has many environmental features including solar panels (on its bike shed!), rainwater harvesting & local varieties of apple trees in the garden.

We aim to open at weekends, during school holidays and on as many other nights as we can between Easter & October.


Volunteering Opportunities

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Sport Godalming

Mission Statement

Sport Godalming is dedicated to developing and encouraging participation in sport by promoting events and the provision of first class facilities in the area, to raise awareness of local sports issues and opinions and to support local sports organisations and individuals.

General Interests

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Surrey Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE Surrey)

Mission Statement


We are the Surrey Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE). Our aim is to protect, promote and enhance the countryside and natural environment of Surrey.


We work with local communities and their elected representatives to find positive and lasting ways to enable our countryside and nature to thrive - today and for generations to come.


Our goal is for a beautiful and vibrant countryside that sustains our wildlife, contributes to public health and wellbeing, and enriches all our lives.

General Interests

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Surrey Care Trust - Swingbridge Community Project (Guildford)

Mission Statement

Tackle disadvantage, social exclusion and hardship in local communities and to help people improve their life chances. We will reach out to people to equip them with the skills to improve their economic situation, to reduce their social isolation and to convince them that they have a valuable contribution to make to society.


Amongst the ways this is achieved are:


Helping people to help themselves for the longer term by providing life-changing opportunities through education and training.

  • Running innovative programmes designed to keep disaffected and vulnerable young people in education, either at mainstream school or at one of our own learning centres, so that they achieve the skills and self-confidence they need for a successful and fulfilling life.
  • Offering second chance learning and training to people of all ages whose lack of skills limits their opportunities and leaves them economically vulnerable.
  • Making training and education programmes available to offenders and ex-offenders, both to improve their own life chances and to create safer communities by helping to reduce re-offending.

General Interests

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Surrey Hills Society

Mission Statement

Surrey Hills Society - Discover and help conserve our National landscape The Surrey Hills Society is an independent charity formed 15 years ago.  It promotes the positive enjoyment and care of the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, which is in the course of being rebranded as one of the UK’s National Landscapes. We encourage those who live, work in, or visit the area to explore and learn about the special qualities and distinctiveness of the area.  The Society also uses its extensive network to actively promote the conservation and enjoyment of the Surrey Hills.

In June 2019 the Society was presented with the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service which is the highest award for volunteer groups to recognise outstanding work done in their communities and is the equivalent of an MBE for voluntary organisations.

Our mission is summarised by four words: Conserve, Inspire, Educate and Enjoy.

For further information visit our website.

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