Voluntary Action South West Surrey


Guildford Health Walks

Mission Statement

The goal of Guildford Health Walks is that everyone will have access to a short, free and friendly health walk within easy reach of where they live, to help them become and stay active; and we couldn't do this without all the amazing volunteers that make our health walks possible. 

From volunteer walk leaders and assistants, volunteers do a fantastic job in supporting and developing the national Walking for Health initiative. I'd love for you to be a part of that too!

Guildford Health Walks currently has five walk groups in Guildford. The groups are: Boxgrove Park, Merrow Down, Shalford, Shere, Spectrum leisure centre, Worplesdon and Whitmoor Common.

The walks are aimed at people recovering from illness, or people wanting to get a bit more active.

Leading walks is a fun way of giving something back to your local community. You will make new friends and discover lovely outdoor places. 

General Interests

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