Voluntary Action South West Surrey


Age UK Surrey

Mission Statement

Age UK Surrey aims to:

  • promote the wellbeing of older people in Surrey
  • improve public awareness of issues concerning ageing
  • influence public policy to meet the needs of older people
  • work with other agencies in the provision of relevant services for older people

If you have the time - however little - there are so many ways in which you can help.

The rewards are great.  You will use your skills, meet new people, have fun and find it very, very rewarding.  You can be sure that the time you give is making a positive difference to older people in the community.

General Interests

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Artventure Trust Ltd (Merrow, Guildford)

Mission Statement

The Artventure Trust enables people with learning difficulties,physical & mental disabilities to explore the visual arts.  We aim to help vunerable people integrate into the community.  Working alongside practising artists & others with a variety of skills & experience, we combine to give a flexible & fun approach to the creative process.

General Interests

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Badshot Lea and Hale PCC

Mission Statement

We are one Parish with welcoming and inclusive Churches.
Our vision is for the growth of God's Kingdom so we aim to:

  Grow in Spiritual Maturity
  Grow in Numbers
  Grow Younger
  Grow in Community Engagement 




General Interests

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Bridges Mentoring Project

Mission Statement

Our VISION is to see every vulnerable young person have a consistent, trusted and positive adult role model in their life who supports and inspires them to grow into adulthood.


Bridges Project empowers young people to take responsibility for their own lives and choices, to enable a positive impact within the local community

General Interests

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British Regional Transport Association

Mission Statement

The British Regional Transport Association (BRTA) is a voluntary membership-based, pro-public transport improvement association with several of its projects having a nationwide positive benefit and impact. Membership is open to all.


General Interests

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Canterbury Care Centre (Guildford)

Mission Statement

S W Association For Mental Health

(Canterbury Care Centre)


The Canterbury drop in day centre runs a service for adults who are suffering, or have suffered with mental illness who live in the South West Surrey area (Guildford, Farnham, Haselmere and surrounding villages).  On offer are social activities, a friendly atmosphere, informal help and advice, creative arts and writing, massage and physical activities.  Refreshments and lunch are also provided.  The centre is open on Mondays from 10am-3pm and Thursday and Friday from 10am-1pm.  You may drop in to the centre or be referred by your GP, Social services or Guildford CMHT. A lunch is provided at low cost.

General Interests

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Circles South East

Mission Statement

The object of the charity is to relieve the needs and promote the rehabilitation, treatment, education and care of persons who have committed, or who are likely to commit offences, particularly sexual offenses, against others, and the families of such persons and others affected by such offences.

General Interests

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Community Angels Befriending

Responding to loneliness in Guildford


Community Angels are trained befrienders who offer six months of weekly face-to-face support to adults of all ages in Guildford borough struggling with loneliness and/or social isolation. 

If you have a couple of free hours a week and enjoy listening and getting to know people, we'd love to hear from you. We provide training to get started (2 x 3 hours sessions), match you carefully with someone to befriend and provide ongoing support while you are volunteering with us.

Hear what our volunteers say on https://youtu.be/5MAb_UVTcc0

Community Angels is one of three projects run by Guildford Town Centre Chaplaincy.

Volunteer opportunities

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Guildford Action

Mission Statement

To enhance the lives of all those we come into contact with.

General Interests

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Guildford Health Walks

Mission Statement

The goal of Guildford Health Walks is that everyone will have access to a short, free and friendly health walk within easy reach of where they live, to help them become and stay active; and we couldn't do this without all the amazing volunteers that make our health walks possible. 

From volunteer walk leaders and assistants, volunteers do a fantastic job in supporting and developing the national Walking for Health initiative. I'd love for you to be a part of that too!

Guildford Health Walks currently has five walk groups in Guildford. The groups are: Boxgrove Park, Merrow Down, Shalford, Shere, Spectrum leisure centre, Worplesdon and Whitmoor Common.

The walks are aimed at people recovering from illness, or people wanting to get a bit more active.

Leading walks is a fun way of giving something back to your local community. You will make new friends and discover lovely outdoor places. 

General Interests

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Headway Surrey (Guildford)

Headway Surrey are looking to recruit a team of volunteers to assist staff at our new weekly sessions "Friday Friends".

If you enjoy activities such as board games, general discussions, art, cookery, playing cards or genuinely enjoy just chatting to people over a cup of tea, please do get in touch.

Our sessions run at Headway House, Guildford, 10.30-12.30pm every Friday.

Please contact by the email below or telephone: 

clairemoore@headwaysurrey.org       01483 454433


Mission Statement

Headway Surrey supports people with acquired brain injuries and their families and promotes understanding of the implications of acquired brain injury throughout Surrey.


General Interests

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Hill House Dementia Day Care Centre (Farnham)

Mission Statement

Woodlands and Hillbrow were set up as a family care homes. We now have a day centre specialising in dementia and a nursing home called Hill House.  The homes are all run along the same core principle of dignity, respect, courage and caring for people as though they are our own family.

Once residents come to live with us we want them to have the best possible quality of life and for it to be the last time they ever have to move. In order to achieve this we need volunteers to help us.

I cannot stress the importance of this time in peoples lives, so we try to make it as good as possible at the end of their life.

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Home-Start Guildford

Mission Statement

"There for parents when they need us most, because childhood can't wait"

Parents Supporting Other Parents - a simple idea that really works!

Home-Start Guildford has been supporting local families across the Guildford Borough for over 25 years. 

We're a non-judgemental organisations that helps local parents who are struggling, for any reason. Some of those reasons may include; multiple births, mental health, an abusive partner, isolation, mental or physical handicap, or the pressure that loss of employment brings to a family.


What we do

Our charity provides a preventative service that aims to support families who are struggling by offering regular volunteer support to parents with at least one child under the age of 5, usually referred to us by Health Visitors.

We provide one-to-one support for parents:
Our volunteers visit the family’s home for a couple of hours every week.  They tailor-make their support to the needs of the parents and children. Volunteers are very committed and will keep visiting until the youngest child turns five or starts school, or until the parents feel they can stand on their own two feet.  Parents and volunteers often develop a deeply trusting relationship which can lead to powerful change within the family.

We also run two family groups for referred families, one in the Pirbright Community Centre and the other in the Guildford Family Group, Hazel Avenue.


Our values

  • We offer families choice
  • We work in partnership - with each other, with families and with other agencies
  • We work in a spirit of openness, encouragement and enjoyment
  • We are flexible and responsive to the needs of families


Volunteering Opportunities 

There are several ways that you can help in a voluntary capacity:

  • by supporting a family as a Home-Visiting Volunteer
  • by helping at one of our Family Groups
  • by joining the Trustee Board
  • by becoming a Friend of Home-Start Guildford
  • by supporting us as a Digital / Office Volunteer

Please see the volunteer roles listed for more detail.


General Interests

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Home-Start in Waverley

Mission Statement

What we do

Home-Start helps families with young children deal with whatever life throws at them. We support parents as they learn to cope, improve their confidence and build better lives for their children. The benefits of our support include improved health and well being and better family relationships.

We provide one-to-one support for parents
Our volunteers visit the family’s home for a couple of hours every week.  They tailor-make their support to the needs of the parents and children. Volunteers are very committed and will keep visiting until the youngest child turns five or starts school, or until the parents feel they can stand on their own two feet.  Parents and volunteers often develop a deeply trusting relationship which can lead to powerful change within the family.

We also run social events for families.

Our values

- We offer families choice
- We work in partnership - with each other, with families and with other agencies,
- We work in a spirit of openness, encouragement and enjoyment
- We are flexible and responsive to the needs of families.

Why it matters

The five years between birth and school are vital for a child’s development. What goes on inside a family during these years strongly determines the opportunities and life chances children have. Children who are raised in a stable, loving, family environment are more likely to have a positive and healthy future. But being a parent isn’t easy and sometimes life can get in the way. Circumstances throw you off course and everything else can take a back seat. A young child caught up in this can miss out on the love, routine and stimulation that are so vital for their future.  Home-Start works because our volunteers are parents. They understand how hard it can be.  They work alongside parents, in their own homes, to help them cope with the stresses and strains of life and make sure they have the skills, time and strength they need to nurture their children.

Our vision

Home-Start wants to see a society in which every parent has the support they need to give their children the best possible start in life.

Home-Start in Waverley  is a voluntary organisation that helps families with at least one child under 5 years who are finding life difficult.  We believe that a little help early on, is more valuable than a lot of help later, when things are going seriously wrong.

By helping early on with a word of advice or help to find independence, young children will have a better start in life, and have a better chance to turn out as productive and responsible citizens. We know that parenting is not easy.

Home-Start is a non-judgemental organisation, and helps any parent who is struggling, for any reason. Some of those reasons may include; multiple births, an abusive partner, isolation, mental or physical handicap, or the pressure that loss of employment brings to a family.

General Interests

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Interventions Alliance, part of Your Ambition

Mission Statement

Your Ambition is a charity with a long and close association with the Seetec Group. From its roots as a community based IT training organisation to its current role as an enabler, the charity works in partnership with the Seetec Group on projects that deliver real social value. Our volunteer unit is currently embedded within, and supports Interventions Alliance, the Justice and Social Care division of Seetec. Interventions Alliance deliver tailored support to participants across a range of contracts including Activity Hubs, Education, Training and Employment (ETE) services, Accommodation services including Approved Premises, Domestic Abuse Perpetrator and Personal Wellbeing Programmes. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to build a better future, regardless of their past choices or the challenges they face. You can find out more about the work Interventions Alliance do and the projects you may volunteer on here Volunteering | Interventions Alliance 


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MCR Pathways

Mission Statement

MCR Pathways supports vulnerable young people in the care system, those who have previously been in the care system, or those who have other hardships in their lives to realise their full potential. We do this by providing mentoring in school during term time to help these young vulnerable students to reach their full potential in school and life despite their difficult circumstances. So they are defined by their talent and not their circumstances. We are looking for volunteer mentors for these young people, for one hour a week, for a minimum of one year, in your local area. You could really change a young persons future!

At MCR Pathways our aim is to help young people unlock their potential, no matter their circumstances. Working together with our inspiring mentor community and partners, we can help young people to realise their skills and progress onto a positive destination. Our vision is for all young people to experience equality of education outcomes, career opportunities and life chances.

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Mediation Surrey CIO

Mission Statement

We transform lives by providing mediation and coaching support to individuals facing anti-social behaviour and conflict, helping them restore peace and harmony in their communities.



Volunteer Opportunities

Support coaches


Support Coaching for those affected by Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB)


A rewarding volunteer opportunity for volunteer coaches



About the Role

At Mediation Surrey, with funding from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, we offer a supportive coaching service for those impacted by Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) and those facing challenges with their neighbours. Since launching in 2017, our service has grown steadily to meet the increasing demand, and we’re now looking for compassionate, capable volunteers to join us.


How it Works

Our service provides clients with coaching that’s tailored to their needs. After our casework team completes an initial phone assessment to ensure that we are the appropriate service to meet the client’s support needs, coaches typically offer one to three coaching sessions, each lasting around an hour. These sessions are scheduled at times that work for both you and the client, providing the flexibility you need to support them in the best way possible.


Training and Support

We understand the importance of feeling prepared and supported when working with clients affected by ASB and other challenges, so all our volunteer coaches receive comprehensive in-house training before taking on cases. You’ll also have access to peer support groups, two supervision sessions each year, and additional training opportunities throughout the year to help you grow your skills.


What We’re Looking For

We’re seeking people who want to make a difference by volunteering their time and expertise.


Ideally, you will:

  • Have experience working with vulnerable adults or in other high-stress situations
  • Be skilled at recognising and navigating strong emotions, both at the surface and below
  • Encourage clients to create their own solutions while taking ownership of their situation
  • Commit to supporting at least 6 clients a year, helping us meet the growing demand and allowing you to build your coaching confidence
  • Attend regular supervision sessions and continue your ongoing development with us


If you’re passionate about helping others and want to make a positive impact, we’d love to hear from you.  Please complete our volunteer application form via the link below.  If you would like further information please contact Helen McGowan on the following email helenm@mediationsurrey.org 




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Museum of Farnham

Mission Statement

The Museum of Farnham is housed in Willmer House, a Grade I listed building with many original features and a delightful walled garden.

Here you can discover the tales of William Cobbett and George Sturt whilst marveling at the inventions of John Henry Knight. Over the years Farnham has been home to many artists and craftsmen and the Museum has a fine collection by local artists including Stephen Elmer, WH Allen, Harold Falkner and Sir John Verney, as well as Farnham Greenware.

Our local studies library is a treasure trove of information on Farnham which cannot be found anywhere else. We have maps, census data, parish records, electoral rolls, street directories, newspapers, a photographic archive and more.

The walled garden is a hidden treasure of Farnham, with a tranquil and serene feel year round. Our Garden Gallery is a popular venue and available for hire for parties, exhibitions, talks and much more.

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Oakleaf Enterprise

Mission Statement

Oakleaf Enterprises is an independent registered charity whose purpose is to support people with mental health issues to lead independent, productive and fulfilling lives.

The charity’s aim is to transform the lives and futures of adults managing their mental ill-health and help them secure the skills, confidence and training needed to return to the workplace. This pathway is delivered via three main focuses: Work-Related Training, Wellbeing Activities, and Counselling Services.


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Mission Statement

PeerTalk's vision is to establish a UK wide network of volunteer facilitated peer support group meetings for people who experience depression and to offer support to their families.

In addition to establishing peer support group meetings, PeerTalk aims to inform and equip individuals and communities to make a positive response to mental health issues. 

It is often the case that people who experience mental health issues also face difficulties in wider society through discrimination, intolerance and injustice. PeerTalk will seek to inform and equip communities to be confident in supporting people through such issues and enabling the communities to challenge the stigma associated with depression and poor mental health. We do this through promoting a positive narrative around mental health through social media and roadshows.

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Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care

Mission Statement

Mission, goals and values


Mission statement

To give excellent specialist care and support to patients and families living with life limiting illnesses, and through training, empower other healthcare professionals to do the same.


... because every day is precious


Patient care: To offer a choice and range of specialist services in the Hospice, in the home and in the community

Financial security: To secure sustainable income to allow us to continue to provide and develop our services to patients free at the point of delivery

Staff and volunteer experience: To ensure we are a skilled and motivated team of staff and volunteers who take pride in working for the Hospice

Centre of excellence: To deliver best practice care, specialist training to healthcare professionals and ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements

Environment: To provide a place that is welcoming, safe, secure and well-maintained

Independence: To maintain our status as a self-governing and independent charity whilst working in partnership with others


  • Putting the patient first
  • Treating all people equally with respect, dignity and understanding
  • Using our skills, resources and time wisely
  • Fostering a culture of continuous learning
  • Ensuring workplace health and safety and promoting personal well being
  • Commitment to working in productive and valued partnerships
  • Acting with honesty, integrity and in the best interests of Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice

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Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre - RASASC Guildford

Mission Statement

To provide a clear, accessible pathway for Surrey-based survivors of rape and sexual abuse, through confidential and specialist person-centred services. To work to reduce perceived stigmas associated with rape and sexual abuse through education and awareness raising.

Volunteer Counsellors Needed

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Royal Air Forces Association

Mission Statement

The Royal Air Forces Association (or RAF Association), is a membership organisation and registered charity that provides welfare support to the RAF Family.

The RAF Family includes all serving and ex-serving personnel and their dependants. To be eligible for welfare support, for both themselves and those who depend upon them, service personnel need to have served a minimum of one day in the RAF.

The Association exists in the recognition that RAF personnel and their immediate families dedicate their lives to their country, and to ensure that such a sacrifice does not result in suffering, poverty or loneliness.

Whether it’s an injured airman fighting to get back on his feet, a young child missing their parent away on overseas operations, or a World War II veteran needing a shoulder to lean on, we are here to help all generations of RAF Service personnel and their families.

General Interests

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Surrey Care Trust - Swingbridge Community Project (Guildford)

Mission Statement

Tackle disadvantage, social exclusion and hardship in local communities and to help people improve their life chances. We will reach out to people to equip them with the skills to improve their economic situation, to reduce their social isolation and to convince them that they have a valuable contribution to make to society.


Amongst the ways this is achieved are:


Helping people to help themselves for the longer term by providing life-changing opportunities through education and training.

  • Running innovative programmes designed to keep disaffected and vulnerable young people in education, either at mainstream school or at one of our own learning centres, so that they achieve the skills and self-confidence they need for a successful and fulfilling life.
  • Offering second chance learning and training to people of all ages whose lack of skills limits their opportunities and leaves them economically vulnerable.
  • Making training and education programmes available to offenders and ex-offenders, both to improve their own life chances and to create safer communities by helping to reduce re-offending.

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TALK Surrey

Mission Statement

At TALK, we support people with aphasia by:
  • Enabling you to practise all aspects of communication
  • Familiarising you with strategies to aid conversation
  • Helping you to rebuild confidence and self esteem
  • Encouraging you to become socially independent
  • Providing you with information, advice and ongoing support
  • Helping you to live positively with aphasia following stroke
  • Working closely with local speech therapists, the Stroke Association and other organisations supporting people with aphasia after stroke

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The Silverlining Charity

Mission Statement

Helping the UK's Brain Injured rebuild their lives by helping others.


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The Surrey Care Trust

Mission Statement

To tackle disadvantage, social exclusion and hardship in local communities. To reach out to families to equip them with the skills to improve their economic situation, to reduce social isolation and break the cycle of deprivation. 

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Treloar Trust

Mission Statement

The Treloar Trust provides education, care, therapy, medical support and independence training to young people with physical disabilities from all over the UK and overseas. Our aim is to prepare these young people for adult life, giving them the confidence and skills to achieve their full potential.

Our Vision

A world where physically disabled young people take control of their lives and achieve their aspirations

Our Mission

To enable physically disabled young people to achieve their aspirations by:

  • Providing personalised learning, therapy and care
  • Supporting transition into adulthood
  • Promoting independence and inclusion

Our Values

We are Inclusive

Everyone – regardless of physical ability, where they live or socioeconomic background – should have the opportunity to take part in life. We treat our Beneficiaries with the same dignity as their non-disabled peers and work to remove barriers in their way.

Our students and Beneficiaries are always at the centre of everything we do. Before we make decisions, we ask, “How will our students and Beneficiaries benefit from this?”

We act with Integrity and Respect

Physically disabled young people should be free to direct their own lives. We listen to young people’s views and support them to make age-appropriate choices about their daily life and informed choices about their future.

We celebrate and promote diversity, value and support each other, and treat everyone with mutual respect. We support a culture of openness, honesty and transparency, where the safeguarding of our students and wellbeing of our staff is paramount.

We strive for Excellence

Physically disabled young people and their families deserve outstanding care and support. We work to make sure all our services are excellent and actively challenge each other to ensure continuous quality improvement.

We continually innovate to ensure that our Beneficiaries receive the cutting-edge, excellent support they deserve.

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Volunteering Matters

Mission Statement

As a social action charity we believe everyone should have the opportunity to thrive. So we bring people together to overcome some of society’s most complex issues through the power of volunteering.

We partner with communities to overcome adversity, tackle social isolation and loneliness, improve health, develop skills and opportunity and make sure young people can lead change. And because we’re a national charity, we do this at scale, sharing our expertise and building partnerships to make an even bigger impact.

We turn local knowledge and energy into action and progress, building stronger communities and a better future for all.

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Whitmore Vale Housing Association

Mission Statement

Whitmore Vale Housing Association offers services to people with learning disabilities and we work alongside them to achieve the most out of their life. Through supported living and residential care we can meet a wide range of needs, supporting people with a mild learning disability, to those who have profound and complex disabilities. 


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