
Hills Environment Centre Inc.

General Interests

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The Hills Community Toy Library

The Hills Community Toy Library (HCTL) is a 100% volunteer-run organisation.

We offer generous discounts and other perks to our general volunteer and committee members like free party pack hire and increased borrowing limits. We are always looking for more volunteers to assist in running our borrowing sessions.

If you, or someone you know, are interested in volunteering but not needing or wanting to join the toy library we would still be keen to hear from you. Please contact us so that we can match your skills and interests to a small job or task. Examples include collection management, toy and other repairs, and grounds maintenance.

Volunteer Vacancies

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The Hut Community Centre


Welcome to The Hut Community Centre! 

We are a community centre with a passion for the Adelaide Hills, having been initially established in a small hut in Stirling – hence the name of our centre. We are now located in Aldgate and have over 230 volunteers providing financial and social support, education, fun, and fitness activities to support the Hills community.
Our services are diverse and focus on engaging with residents in our Hills community. Programs include training and education, sharing skills and interests, and healthy living activities. Our reach covers the entire Hills region through our networks and partnerships which support our philosophy of working with others to support the Hills community.
We are your community centre, so let us know your thoughts on how we can work together to further enhance the Adelaide Hills Community!


Volunteer With Us!

Volunteering at The Hut is rewarding and satisfying. As a Hut volunteer we will match you with a task that is both challenging and appreciated and will provide you with an opportunity to help others in the Hills community. It is important to us that our volunteers gain a sense of personal achievement in knowing they have made a difference to the community in which they live.
Find out more about volunteering for The Hut by clicking on our volunteer activities or alternatively contact us by email on or call 83394400 and ask for Bernadette. 


Volunteer Activities

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Torrens Valley Community Kindergym

We are a small community kindergym run by a parent committee and we are based in the Gumeracha Town Hall. Our classes are on Monday mornings during term time with an all-ages class from 9:30-10:30am and an under 2-year class from 11-11:45am.

Ideally, we would love a volunteer to assist from 9am-12pm (time negotiable) to support our leader with any last minute set up and then to sit in the foyer and welcome, check in members on our excel spreadsheet, process square device EFTPOS and then attend the sessions to support the leader and families. We require a working with children police check (free for volunteers). This role would be great for a retiree, student or anyone interested in supporting the local community. We will provide full support and training to make the person comfortable in the role.

General Interests

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