City of Port Coquitlam - Adult & Senior Services
Volunteer Opportunities
Wilson Kitchen - Counter Service
Counter Service volunteer take orders from customers at the Wilson Kitchen, including hot beverages, soups, sandwiches and baked goods, plate orders and relay the orders to the Food Services worker for sale. This role that is a good fit for those who have customer service experience and enjoy working with others in a fast-paced community environment.
- Minimum of 18 years of age
- Some customer service experience
- Fluent in spoken English (fluency in a second language is an asset)
Seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
Wilson Seniors - Community Garden
Assist in the weekly maintenance of the Wilson Seniors Community Garden at the Port Coquitlam Community Centre, including watering, weeding and pruning plants. The Wilson Kitchen maintains two community garden plots used to grow fresh ingredients for inclusion in meals served at the Wilson Kitchen, with the goal of offering healthy and affordable meals to seniors participating in recreation programming.
- Minimum of 18 years of age
- Fluent in spoken English (fluency in a second language is an asset)
Seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall
Wilson Seniors - Drop-In Program Champion
Drop-in Program Champions help to promote welcoming, inclusive drop-in recreation activities for adults and seniors at the Port Coquitlam Community Centre and other Port Coquitlam facilities.
- Eligible to participate in Wilson Senior Programs (age 60 and older)
- Fluent in spoken English (fluency in a second language is an asset)
- Knowledge of rules and gameplay of the specific drop-in program (e.g. table tennis, bridge, carpet bowling)
Seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall