
Alton Area/Madison County (525 Alby St, Alton, IL. 62002-The Salvation Army -Alton)

Advisory Council

Looking for enthusiastic, inspirational, community minded individuals with diverse professional backgrounds, knowledge, experience, talents, perspective and networking skills. Individuals who are attentive stewards, a source of inspiration and are willing fundraisers.

The advisory council is consists of these selected community leaders, who are charged with the responsibility of advising and assisting the local Salvation Army in planning and supporting the daily activities that meet the needs in the communities surrounding of Northern Madison County.

The men and women on the advisory council serve as committee chairs for finance, program, community relations, fundraising/development, properties, emergency disaster and social services which meet once a month.

Community Service Hours

From time to time community individuals may be assigned Community Service Hours from local agencies. The Salvation Army can help you complete those hours through many areas such as general custodial work and general office work.

Emergency Disaster Services (EDS)

There are many reasons why people in need seek the shield of The Salvation Army. They know that in a crisis our trained volunteers will be there able to provide the necessary assistance and comfort to make it through any emergency or disaster.

Whether that disaster should happen to you or your neighbor and it is natural or caused by man, Salvation Army volunteers have been ready to answer an emergency. Since 1900, volunteers have responded to local, national and international disasters such as fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and acts of terrorism.

When you become an EDS volunteer, you will receive introductory training to emergency disaster services. Afterward, based upon your areas of interest and ability there are intermediate and advanced level courses available.

Seasonal Assistance

The Salvation Army provides Thanksgiving and Christmas Assistance to less fortunate families.

The volunteer opportunities avaliable for Seasonal Assistance include helping families fill out assistance applications, filling angel tree gift bags and visiting with clients as they come to pick up their gifts.

Fill in an application

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