Alton Area/Madison County (525 Alby St, Alton, IL. 62002-The Salvation Army -Alton)
Arnold Area (3740 Telegraph Rd, St. Louis, MO. 63010-The Salvation Army-Arnold)
Belleville Area (20 Glory Pl, Belleville, IL. 62226-The Salvation Army - St. Clair County)
Branson, MO
Youth Programs
Through The Salvation Army Character Building programs, young people will develop their individuality and potential through gaining a sense of personal identity and character through interaction with other young people and leaders. In every Character Building program offered by The Salvation Army, young people will learn the importance of Christian values and biblical truths. All volunteers must submit and pass background checks.
Cheltenham Neighborhood (1130 Hampton Ave, St. Louis, MO. 63139-The Salvation Army-DHQ)
Clerical Opportunities
Echelon is the emerging professionals arm of The Salvation Army. Our community is serious about having fun while addressing some of today's most pressing issues within our local communities.
Special Events & Opportunities
Ferguson Area (9420 W. Florissant Ave, Ferguson, MO. 63135-The Salvation Army - Ferguson)
Granite City (3007 E. 23rd St, Granite City, IL. 62040-The Salvation Army - Granite City)
Maplewood Area (7701 Rannells Ave, St. Louis, MO. 63143-The Salvation Army - Maplewood)
Midland Divisional Social Services
O'Fallon Area (1 William Booth Dr, O'Fallon, MO. 63355-The Salvation Army - O'Fallon)
Quincy, IL
Service Extension DHQ & Thrift Stores
All Service Extension Units
This category is for opportunities that can be copied to any page and used for every location
The Salvation Army - Centralia, IL
The Salvation Army - Chillicothe, MO
The Salvation Army Worship and Community Center- Cape Girardeau
Corps Ministry Team [Corps Council]
A Local Officer is a Salvation Army soldier [An enrolled member of the church] appointed to a position of responsibility and authority in a corps [The Salvation Army church]. A Local Officer carries out the duties of one's appointment without remuneration from The Salvation Army. The Local Officers are the Corps Council Members [ex officio]. The Corps Council advises and assists the Corps Officers in matters concerning the progress and wellbeing of the church.
- Enrolled in The Salvation Army church as a soldier.
- Has read the Orders and Regulations for Local Officers.
- Attendance to church
- Carry out one's duties to the best of one's abilities.
Local officer positions are as follows.
- Corps Sergeant Major [CSM]
- Corps Secretary [CS]
- Corps Treasurer [CT]
- Recruiting Sergeant [RS]
- Women's Ministries Secretary [WMS]
- Bandmaster [B/M]
- Songster Leader [S/L]
- Older Adult Ministries Chaplin