Explore EFry's Volunteer Opportunities


Burnaby Youth Custody Services

Burnaby Youth Custody Services (formerly Burnaby Youth Secure Custody Centre) is one of several secure custody facilities in British Columbia for both male and female residents aged between 12 and 18. They are on remand or have been sentenced under the Youth Criminal Justice Act. The Mission Statement for youth custody programs is to provide a safe, secure, healthy and humane environment with a range of services that respond to the needs of youth, thereby promoting lawful behaviour and contributing to public safety.

If you are over the age of 21, have 1 ½ to 2 hours per week to give and are able to make a minimum 6 month commitment, we are eager to hear from you. Because there is a wide range of programs available, the program that you may become involved in depends on the times you are available, your interests, goals and skills.

Available Roles

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Downtown Community Court

The purpose of the volunteer court runner is to assist clients of the Downtown Community Court in navigating the court process. Court runners accompany clients required to attend services within the court complex, transfer documents, and interact with crown counsel, defense counsel, judges, Corrections staff, Vancouver Coastal Health staff, and others involved in the court process.


● Must be 19 years of age

● Must provide 3 professional references

● Must successfully participate in an interview and orientation

● Must undergo a satisfactory criminal record check

● Must have strong communication skills

● Must be reliable, responsible and caring

● Must be mature and non-judgmental

Available Roles

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Maida Duncan Drop-In Centre

The Maida Duncan Women’s Drop-in Centre is located in New Westminster. We provide various supports, resources, and services to disadvantaged women and children struggling with multiple barriers. Since its beginning, the Drop-In has been solely staffed by our hard-working and passionate volunteers with support from the Drop-In Program Coordinator. Our Center is a free low-barrier service for all women and their children, who reside in the EFry building, as well as those who live out in the community. No referrals or appointments are necessary to use this service

Programs and events within the Drop-In that volunteers can be involved with depend on volunteers’ interest, goals, and skills.

Available Roles

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