Lutheran Senior Services

Breeze Park

A continuing care retirement community in St. Charles, Breeze Park offers Independent Living apartments and patio homes, REACH Short Stay rehabilitation, assisted living, memory care assisted living, and long term care within an environment of compassionate, person-centered care.

600 Breeze Park Dr.
Weldon Spring, MO 63304

Breeze Park

General Interests

Beautification and Landscaping

Senior Connections (Relational)

Virtual Opportunities

Wheelchair Transporter

Retirement community could use your help either walking with or transporting residents in wheelchairs around our community, whether it's to the beauty shop, chapel services, or to a game of BINGO, many hands (and feet) make for light work. Volunteers will often attend activities and visit with the residents, opening up opportunities for relationship-building. Days/times are flexible!


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