Board Member
To ensure all legal and practical responsibilities of the organisation are conducted under good Management. To act with reasonable care and diligence to exercise the powers and mission of the organisation.
- To have sound knowledge and understanding of Mission.
- To have the ability to make decisions with the interests of the organisation.
- Good problem solving and communication skills.
- Ability to be part of team.
- To have an understanding of meeting procedures.
- To attend all meetings as set by Management Committee
- To promote the Mission of the organization.
- To assist in the preparation of reports, grant applications and budget.
- To represent the organization in a professional manner.
- To uphold the decisions of the management committee.
- To assist where possible with all fundraising activities.
- To be actively involved in discussion and decision making.
- To undertake special tasks as agreed either as an individual or part of a sub-committee.
- To be familiar with Legal and Statutory requirements.
- To participate in planning and evaluation of programs and services. I
- To maintain confidentiality, respecting all information shared within confines of meetings.
- To comply with Risk Management procedures all visiting staff on premises to report to Duty Officer other than meeting days
- Board members on Meeting day to sign in hours including visiting members