SC DPH Midlands Region Medical Reserve Corps

General Overview of PODs Training (Points of Dispensing)

1. An Introduction to PODs – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) This video is designed to give a basic overview of a POD also known as a Point of Dispensing. PODs are used during a public health emergency to dispense Medical Countermeasures to the public at the local level in the event of a Public Health emergency. Dispensing MCMs to the public combats pandemics and other public health incidents by treating and preventing illness among affected populations. This video will cover the basics including the three main tasks performed within a POD (Greeting and Triage, Screening and Dispensing). 4:09 2. An Introduction to Greeting and Triage – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) This video covers Greeting and Triage which is one of three main functions performed at a POD or Point of Dispensing. PODs are used during a public health emergency to dispense Medical Countermeasures to the public during a Public Health emergency. When clients enter a POD their first stop will be at the Greeting and Triage Station. It is the job of the greeter to welcome clients arriving at the POD and distribute screening forms before sending them on to the screening station. 3:45 3. An Introduction to Screening – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) This video covers screening, one of three main functions performed at a POD or Point of Dispensing. PODs are used during a public health emergency to dispense Medical Countermeasures to the public during a Public Health emergency. Screeners will review client forms for completeness and determine the appropriate Medication, or Medical Countermeasure to dispense. 3:37 4. An Introduction to Dispensing – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) This video covers Dispensing, one of three main functions performed at a POD or Point of Dispensing. PODs are used during a public health emergency to dispense Medical Countermeasures to the public during a Public Health emergency. The dispenser will take the forms from clients and review the screener’s notes to identify which medication, or medical countermeasure to dispense to each person listed on the form along with any relevant health information handouts. 3:46

Mission Statement

  1. Organize and train healthcare professionals and non-medical volunteers to respond to the specific needs for the community, thereby enhancing local emergency response efforts, especially to large-scale emergencies;
  2. Provide reserve capacity at the community level to respond to local public and community health needs and priorities; 
  3. Create a framework to match both medical and non-medical volunteer skills with the community's health needs;
  4. Draw a wide variety of local people into volunteer medical services;
  5. Maintain volunteer credentials, contact information, and other relevant information in a database, so that during times of critical need, the volunteer may be rapidly deployed to assist the community's response.