Community Meal Program
Community Meal Program
Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays Meal Served at 5pm
Dining Room Server 4:00pm-6:00pm
Assist in our dining room! You may wrap silverware help set up, pour beverages, serve sides & desserts, and assist diners!
Kitchen Help 4:30-6:30pm
Learn to work in our kitchen! Help with food prep and serve the meal from the kitchen. Help with cleaning and dishes after the meal! Volunteers must stay for the entire shift and help with the dishes.
Check-In Desk Volunteer 4:00pm-6:00pm
Assist the Meal Program Coordinator with any task that may need to be done. Each participant must check-in to receive a meal. This volunteer will be responsible for entering the meal for the individual into our database. Volunteers must be comfortable using a computer and database. Basic data entry skills are needed for entering new participants and updating existing participants in the database. Greet and remind all volunteers to sign-in on the volunteer sign-in sheet when they arrive.
All volunteers will be required to take the Safe From Harm online training prior to volunteering.