Salvation Army Rock County - Janesville

Community Meal Program


Community Meal Program


JANESVILLE: Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays Meal Served at 12pm

BELOIT: Tuesdays & Thursdays Meal Served at 12pm


Dining Room Attendant 11:30am-1:00pm

Greet clients as the enter for lunch. Assist in our dining room as needed.  You may restock silverware, refill beverages, talk or pray with our clients, etc.

Janesville - M, W, F

Beloit - Tues. & Thurs.


Kitchen Help 9:30-2:30pm

Learn to work in our kitchen! Help with food prep and serve the meal from the kitchen. Help with cleanup and possibly dishes after the meal.

Janesville - M, W, F

Beloit - Tues. & Thurs.


Dishwasher 10:00am-2:30pm

Help with cleanup during prep, wash dishes before, during & after the meal.

Janesville - M, W, F

Beloit - Tues. & Thurs.