Buckinghamshire & Surrey Trading Standards

Trading Standards Scams Marshal 16+

We are looking for individuals living in Surrey and Buckinghamshire who are receiving scam mail.

You can find out more about scam mail on our website or at www.thinkjessica.com/shocking-facts/

Collect the scam mail that you receive and send it to the scheme’s Freepost address so that it can be potentially utilised as evidence in future investigative and enforcement work. You may even be asked to be a witness (if you would like to assist further) but this is not mandatory.

As a Scams Marshal, you will be collecting, recording and sending scam mail to the National Trading Standards Scams Team (NTSST).

Prior to becoming a Scams Marshal you will need to sign a confidentiality agreement, agreeing to collect your scam mail. Ideally we would like you to send in your scam mailings every couple of weeks but if you’re only able to send it in every 3-4 weeks that’s fine too. During your time as a Scams Marshal we’ll be asking for your feedback about participating in the scheme.

Students aged 16 and over undertaking their Duke of Edinburgh Award would be welcome to apply.


Mission Statement

Buckinghamshire and Surrey County Council Trading Standards Service aims to create an environment of confident consumers and trusted traders by providing advice and guidance to consumers and businesses. However there will be occasions when a range of different actions may be necessary to deal with cases where trading standards laws have been breached by businesses or others. Our work, campaigns and projects can be found on the Business and consumers page: http://www.surreycc.gov.uk/business-and-consumers/trading-standards