Volunteer roles available - posted 03.04.2024
IT Security Co-ordinator
Oversee the charity's IT security strategy, co-ordinating the efforts of other IT roles and ensuring compliance with best practices. Monitor overall security posture, liaise with external IT security experts, and ensure that all IT security activities are aligned and effective. Organise regular cybersecurity training and awareness sessions.
System Administrator
Manage daily IT operations, ensure system updates, and maintain user account management. Given time constraints, focus on automation and streamlined processes for efficiency. Oversee compliance with data protection laws, manage data privacy, and handle related inquiries.
To apply, fill in the application form opposite.
Mission Statement
The Prostate Project
Giving men a better chance of beating prostate cancer.
Since 1998 we have been raising awareness and funds to help save and prolong the lives of men with prostate cancer.
We pride ourselves on being run entirely by volunteers and on keeping administration cost below 5%.