Lunch Club Organiser - posted 09/03/2023
Lunch Club Organiser Volunteer (6 month commitment)
We need a volunteer Organiser to help us to ensure that things run smoothly for everyone who's involved. We're asking for an initial commitment of six-months (ie six lunches).
About our Lunch Club
On the first Friday of every month, we invite a group of older people who we know for lunch. We usually have between 15-25 guests and volunteers and provide a two-course lunch, sometimes some musical entertainment and a table quiz.
We have a small group of volunteers who help with ringing round, driving those who need transport, making lunch and serving and making sure everyone feels welcome as well as cleaning up afterwards.
Our longer-term aim is to grow both our guest list and volunteer pool.
About You
We expect that you will enjoy bringing order while keeping a light heart. You'll like helping people to feel welcome and have a good time as well as providing a structure for other people to be useful in our community.
Specifically, you'll be responsible for:
Before each lunch:
- checking the availability of volunteers
- liaising with the person who does invitations to find out who's coming and what they need
- letting the kitchen team and volunteer drivers know what's needed
- matching drivers to guests
- printing a guest and volunteer list (to record attendance and donations)
- arranging a quiz and/or entertainment
On the day:
- organising the set up of the room and tables
- making sure we have everything we need
- making sure everyone knows what they need to do
- heading up "front of house"
- collecting donations or appointing one of the volunteers
Afterwards and between lunches:
- working with the church Community Worker to think about how to improve the experience; grow the volunteer pool; grow the guest list etc.
This is part of our wider community work programme and mission to share generously with our neighbours. It's not a religious event and all guests and volunteers get the same unconditional welcome. If you're not already familiar with our church, you might find it useful to have a quick look at our mission statement
Mission Statement
Our Mission is to share God’s love in the community
We aim to be an open, welcoming Christian church
Serving one another and our neighbours
Working for justice and peace in God’s world.
Our faith may be 2000 years old but our thinking is 21st Century.
Whoever you are and wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.