Local Healthwatch Advisory Group Member - posted 27.07.23
Local Healthwatch Advisory Group Member
Role Description
Purpose of the role.
Our mission is to give people in Surrey a strong voice to help improve, shape and get the best from local health and social care services. You can help us achieve this by: • Helping ensure Healthwatch Surrey hears from all sections of Surrey’s communities, particularly those at risk of health inequalities, by advising on our engagement plans, utilising networks and contacts, and contributing through your own lived experiences.
• Helping decide what Healthwatch Surrey should prioritise, advising the Board on the annual work programme and quarterly reporting of progress.
Helping advise the Healthwatch team in its use of local Healthwatch statutory powers (including which health and care services we cover in our activities; making recommendations, escalating concerns & using Enter and View powers).
• Being an active ambassador and representative for Healthwatch Surrey – encouraging people to share their experiences and helping build excellent relationships with stakeholders.
What you will be doing • Attending monthly Advisory Group meetings (hybrid, although we do encourage in person where possible) – taking part in discussions and making collective decisions.
• Developing an understanding of the local Healthwatch service, remit and contractual requirements and helping ensure we work within these in the most effective and constructive way.
• In time, and where you’re happy to do so, representing Healthwatch Surrey on groups or external meetings to share our insight and champion involvement, and reporting back afterwards (with the support of the staff team).
• Commenting on Healthwatch Surrey recommendations and reports.
• Being part of a group which gives constructive challenge and help to the Healthwatch Contract Manager and staff team in progress against our work programme, and oversight of agreed objectives.
• Reading papers in advance of external meetings to help staff team prepare.
• Adhering to our Volunteering Policy and our Volunteer Conflict of Interest policy.
• Participating in an annual appraisal and feedback process.
Time Commitment
• Around two days per month (includes reading and feedback which can be done flexibly) - but more if you want! Where Meetings will be offered in hybrid format where possible (online and in person), although we do encourage in-person attendance. We don't want anyone to be out of pocket by being a volunteer, so we will talk to individual Advisory Group members about how we can minimise up-front costs and reimburse expenses.
Who can apply?
We want to hear from the broadest range of applicants, but have a couple of important criteria: You need to be 18 or over and live, work or study within Surrey.
Further information about this role can be found on our website – New volunteer Advisory Group members needed! - Healthwatch Surrey
To apply or for further information please fill in the Application form.
Mission Statement
Healthwatch Surrey is an independent champion that gives the people of Surrey a voice to improve, shape and get the best from health and social care services by empowering local people and communities.