Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (Witley Centre, Godalming)

Mid-week practical conservation group


Are you interested in helping with the practical management of some of Surrey's most important and beautiful habitats, whilst learning about the wonderful wildlife they support? Then our mid-week conservation group could be just the thing.

Our friendly mid-week group meets on Tuesdays at our offices at the Witley Centre to carry out practical conservation tasks on our nature reserves in and around Surrey. During the winter, this consists mostly of scrub clearance (complete with warming bonfire), whilst in the summer it varies from infrastructure work (mending fences, installing gates etc.), clearing bracken, creating areas of bare sand and conducting reptile surveys. It's the perfect excuse to get out in the fresh air and get some rewarding exercise.

Volunteers need to provide suitable outdoor clothing (including boots and waterproofs) and bring their own packed lunch, but we provide everything else - including tea and biscuits. Volunteers with also need to arrange their own transport to and from the Witley Centre at the beginning and end of tasks. However, we are located near to Milford railway station. 

Applications from students (aged 14 and over) undertaking their Duke of Edinburgh Award would be welcome.

All tasks are supervised by staff and no previous experience is required - just enthusiasm! Informal training on practical conservation skills, species ID and habitat management are always provided. There may also be the opportunity to provide more formal, structured training for committed long-term volunteers. Unfortunately, as we are a small charity, we are not able to reimburse travel expenses.

Whether you're available for a few hours or a full day, your help would be greatly appreciated. If you would like any more information, or to ask any questions, please contact us by pressing the 'sign up' button




Mission Statement

Amphibian and Reptile Conservation is a national wildlife charity (Registered Charity 1130188) committed to conserving amphibians and reptiles and saving the disappearing habitats on which they depend.

Our vision sees amphibians and reptiles thriving in their natural habitats, and a society inspired and committed to their conservation.