Parent support group volunteer


As a Parent support group volunteer at our monthly get together in Guildford on a Wednesday morning , you’ll support parents of deafblind children of all ages in a group setting. A friendly face at the group, you’ll welcome and talk to people to help them feel comfortable, encourage conversation and make sure they’re offered refreshments. You’ll also help set up and tidy away at the end of the group.

There is also an opportunity to work with our Schools Liaison Officer to help contact and organise external speakers to attend the group.

It’s a fantastic opportunity for you to meet new friends, learn new skills, have fun and make a difference supporting your community. We reimburse all travel costs and provide full training and ongoing support.

Your involvement in this role will ensure parents of deafblind children are able to meet others in a similar situation, access the support and information they need and enjoy meaningful activities. You’ll be great for the role if:

You have good verbal communication and listening skills

You enjoy meeting new people and being part of a team

You are aware of or are willing to learn about deafblindness

You can demonstrate empathy and compassion

You are over the age of 18

To find out more - click here


Mission Statement

Deafblind UK is the UK’s only charity specialising in supporting people with any level of deafblindness. We support people to live with their condition and to build their confidence and independence. We offer understanding and advice as well as practical support, residential support, care and social opportunities. We also lead research to help the world live better with deafblindness.