Library Direct Home Service volunteer
As a Library Direct Home Service delivery volunteer you will be visiting individual people, within your own community, who are no longer able to visit the library due to either permanent or temporary infirmity or disability. Although a large number of our Library Direct Home Service clients are elderly, people of any age may and do use the service.
As well as bringing the library to their home for many Library Direct Home Service clients, their library visitor is also a social contact and this is an important part of your role. You should be prepared to spend between 20 and 40 minutes with each reader and be able to socialise easily with a wide range of people.
This is voluntary work and the amount of time you are able to give is appreciated. We would stress that for our Library Direct Home Service readers, continuity is essential; so you should be able to give a regular commitment in terms of day and time - be that on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis. When considering this type of voluntary work, you should consider the number of hours you can give, on which days and how often, which will determine the maximum number of readers you will be able to visit.
To give Library Direct Home Service readers a choice of reading and other material, a selection of books or talking books should be taken to each reader. Please be aware that there is some carrying of books involved.
As our Library Direct Home Service clients may be spread around a locality, it is helpful if you have access to a car, and you may claim petrol expenses.
Although it would be useful if you are a reader yourself, this is not essential. Staff at the library from which you are working will be able to give you some guidance to help you satisfy the reading tastes of your clients.
Library Direct volunteers are currently required in the Farnham and Guildford area. (Nov 2022)
Mission Statement
Surrey Libraries is a dedicated local government library service; providing information, knowledge, resources, support and entertainment to our local community.