- Zero Carbon Guildford

Community Fridge Volunteer

A community fridge makes use of surplus food from supermarkets to make sure it reaches people who can use it rather than have it go to landfill.  In partnership with Mid Surrey Community Fridges we  operate a community fridge from ZERO in the centre of Guildford. The fridge is open on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday mornings and relies on volunteers to keep it running, so please get in touch today if you can help with this incredibly worthwhile project. 

There are two ways you can help: 

Inside Zero:

  • Ensuring the fridge is kept clean, tidy and that all food is handled correctly.
  • Helping to serve customers and talk to them about environmental issues
  • Clearing left over food at the end of a session

Or, as a collector picking the food up from local supermarkets and delivering it to ZERO.  This role requires you to have your own car and will involve some heavy lifting


About Zero


Zero Carbon Guildford is a charity set up to enable local community action to tackle the climate and ecological crisis and associated social issues.

Zero Carbon Guildford operates a Community Hub, in the centre of Guildford, to enable the community to come together to tackle these issues.  

The Hub includes a cafĂ©, houses our many projects  and showcases ways local people can make changes to help Guildford's journey towards a zero-carbon future.