St. Mark's Place (Catonsville)

St. Mark’s Apts., a Catholic Charities Senior Community, offers 20 one-bedroom apartments for seniors. Rents are affordable to seniors of moderate means. The community is located in Catonsville between Route 40 and Route 144, Frederick Road. In an idyllic setting with a duck pond, patio, and covered porch, St. Mark’s Apts. is part of a quiet residential neighborhood. Shopping, places of worship, a library, senior center and recreational activities are located nearby.

Mission Statement

Catholic Charities Senior Communities develops and operates affordable, supportive communities for older adults with a resolve to nurture a spirit of purpose, wellness and harmony among both our residents and colleagues.

We believe that all people, regardless of their religion, beliefs, race or financial means, are entitled to a home. We are dedicated to promoting community, good health, happiness and a sense of self-worth for all residents.